
Roles and Responsibilities

Chief General Manager (Engineering)– Operations & Maintenance

  1. To Undertake program planning for implementation of Board’s policies on procurement of materials, maintenance, Repair and Operations, Contract Services.Tooling, Equipment and Supplies etc.
  2. To supervise the inter-division task assignment and monitor performance.
  3. To initiate activity planning pertaining to the following functions and ensure affectivities in implementation in the service jurisdiction.
    • Augmentation, storage, treatment and distribution of water supply and
    • Collection, treatment and disposal of sewarage services.
  4. To prescribe norms and methods of implementation, monitor the operations pertaining to quality assurance.
  5. To prescribe procedures for generating data on service delivery and monitor their implementation.
  6. To coordinate with external organizations such as APSEB, R&B, MCH, HUDA, APHB, TELECOM, REVENUE&PHE Department for resolving interface problems.
  7. To undertake periodic performance review/inspection of the subordinate units, the and provide direction and guidance to the heads of the units, in achieving the performance targets pertaining to the following elements
    • level of service delivery
    • cost reduction
    • service interruption
    • quality and assurance
  8. To formulate, implement, monitor and review procedures pertaining to the following:
    • provision of the advance information to consumers on service interruptions
    • registration of vendors, suppliers and contractors
    • preparation of tender schedules
    • issue of notice inviting tenders
    • evaluation of tenders
    • entering agreements
    • issuing letters of credit
    • preparation of budget.review and revision of budget estimates
    • check measurements of works
    • performance reviews of contractors and vendor rating
    • assignment of quota connections for water supply & sewerage division wise and sub division wise
    • procurement, storage and issue of materials, tools, plant and equipment
    • safety and security of properties, materials tools, plant and equipment by servicing schedules for various machines, tools, plants and equipment
    • preparation, procurement, storage and retrieval of utility plans
    • formats and procedure for generation of management control data
  9. To monitor and review the implementation of personnel performance appraisal system
  10. To Monitor the implementation and effect suitable revision of contingency plans for service delivery during lean\draught years
  11. To formulate and monitor the dispersion of plans and procedures on E.O.S
  12. To monitor the implementation of procedures for redressal of grievances, negotiations with unions, employee health safety and welfare.


General Manager (Engineering)- Operations & Maintenance

  1. To cause preparation of distribution plans-sourcewise and area wise.
  2. To implement the procedures pertaining to advance notification on floods/interruptions in water supply to public.
  3. To register on tractors/vendors/suppliers of material.
  4. To implement prescribed procedures on issue of notice inviting tenders, receipt of tenders tender opening and evaluation and entry agreements.
  5. To ensure effective control over cash management and maintenance of cash books.
  6. To ensure implementation of procedures in respect of preparation, processing and approval of bills of payment.
  7. To ensure timely preparation of budget revised estimates and annual maintenance estimates.
  8. To implement the procedures pertaining to requisition of L.O.Cs, processing, scrutinizing, approval and obtaining section thereof.
  9. To ensure recording and check measurement of works and supplies.
  10. To procure, arrange distribution and index measurement books.
  11. To ensure safe custody of completed measurement books.
  12. To ensure maintenance of contractor ledger in accordance with prescribed procedures.
  13. To cause preparation of project/work estimates, undertake scrutiny and accord sanction thereto.
  14. To ensure implementation of prescribed procedures for indenting and receipt of material for stores division.
  15. To undertake preparation of work abstracts.
  16. To ensure implementation of procedures in requisitions for cash impress, undertake scrutiny of accounts and accord authorization.
  17. To cause for the audit of accounts, at the end of monthly accounting period and arrange for addressing the audit objections.
  18. To cause preparation of claims, processing, approval, disbursement and maintenance of acquaintance rolls, in accordance with the prescribed procedures.
  19. To undertake periodic review of manpower availability at the concerned Sub-divisions and Sections and effect staff transfers to restore balance.
  20. To evolve scales on personal entitlements such as shoes, raincoats and uniforms and ensure provisioning thereof.
  21. To cause preparation scrutiny and accord sanctions for maintenance of vehicles.
  22. To formulate proposals for hiring private tankers and to implement the approved proposals.
  23. To cause preparation of Normal/Emergency operation schedules of each source and ensure implementation.
  24. To undertake periodic inspection sources, especially the spill ways, gates and emergency gates, sand bag stocks, etc.., to ensure implementation of prescribed norms.
  25. To take personal charge of operations, render guidance to the personnel at critical areas during serious floods.
  26. To evolve methodologies for collection of flood flow information and ensuring data collection, documentation, and dispersal.
  27. To co-ordinate the inspection visits of dam safety committees and ensure compliance with the directives in accordance with the prescribed procedure.
  28. To schedule inspection by electrical inspectorates and ensure implementation of suggestions.
  29. To undertake demand forecasting, and procurement planning for generators for summer periods.
  30. To undertake periodic inspection of concerned sub-divisions and sections to evaluate the state of their effectiveness.
  31. To arrange for addressing parliamentary/Legislative questions on priority.
  32. To cause preparation of legal briefs and monitor the progress of pending cases.
  33. To cause preparation of final reports on theft and accidents and their dispatch to relevant authorities viz., H.O.D/Police/D.M.
  34. To prepare and implement inspection schedules on material, machines, offices, projects, estates and operations.
  35. To generate data from sub-divisions and sections for onward transmission or feed forward to Investigation wings.
  36. To undertake surprise checks of industrial meters for detecting unauthorized usage/pipelines.
  37. To undertake trend analysis of data on water supply, billing and collection.
  38. To coordinate with PHED, MCH, APSEB, HUDA, Telecom Department etc., for resolving interface problems.
  39. To ensure preparation and periodic updating systematic plans of the service area - sub-divisions and selections.
  40. To prescribe methods and norms in respect of Quality assurance, Organize, implement and monitor their implementation.
  41. To cause preparation and maintenance of Leave Rosters and increment Calendar.
  42. To ensure timely completion and submission of documents for sanction of pensions.
  43. To undertake scrutiny of deviation statements and completion plans.
  44. To prescribe procedures for removal of driftwood, animal carcasses and dead bodies from reservoirs.


Deputy General Manager (Engineering)- Operations & Maintenance

  1. To monitor, Review and Reschedule of in flows into service reservoirs and sumps, in accordance with delivery schedules in the relevant service area.
  2. To monitor supply pressures with a view to identify problems and their removal.
  3. To monitor the implementation of quality control checks.
  4. To monitor the leakage rectifications.
  5. To monitor the chokage clearance.
  6. To monitor the pollution cases.
  7. To monitor, guide and supervise maintenance and other works.
  8. To initiate timely check on measurement of works.
  9. To ensure timely preparation and processing of bills for onward transmission.
  10. To assist the concerned General Manager in evaluating the performance of contractors and rating of vendor.
  11. To undertake scrutiny and sanction of the estimates.
  12. To monitor the quality of filling road cuttings.
  13. To verify conformity with bye-laws for regulating sanction of new connection, and arrange for onward transmission where necessary.
  14. To monitor the section performance and render guidance to managers in problem resolution through weekly meetings.
  15. To guide managers in organizing staff review meetings at section level.
  16. To guide managers in organizing of consumer meetings at section level.
  17. To maintain contractor ledger.
  18. To monitor impress account holdings of managers.
  19. To carryout periodic physical verification of materials, tools and plants.
  20. To verify and initiate corrective actions on the manning levels especially pertaining to NMR/Hr.
  21. To monitor the performance of concerned Revenue Collection Center.
  22. To coordinate with MCH and APSEB to resolve interface problems.
  23. To monitor the maintenance status of log books and other records in the concerned section and pumping stations and render technical guidance on operation and maintenance.
  24. To schedule and carryout periodic service inspection on:
    • Chlorination Plants
    • Switch gear and HRC fuses
    • Emergency lighting points
    • Scales and availabilities of tools
    • Vibration levels of motors /pumps
    • Alignments
    • General condition of base plates and foundation bolts
    • Pressure gauges on section/delivery
    • Voltmeters/Ammeters
    • Power factor
    • Replacement of oils/lubricants
    • By-pass valves on delivery sluice valves
    • History register of each machine especially entries on supplier and service specifications and implementation
    • Fire fighting equipment
    • First aid kits
    • Safety equipment like rubber mats
    • Weed control and metalling at substations
    • Fencing between trees and overhead power lines
    • Ventilators, manhole covers and ladders at reservoirs.
  25. To schedule and monitor the implementation of cleaning and weed removal schedules at reservoirs/sources.
  26. To monitor the implementation of procedures for stacking and issue of materials.
  27. To carry out periodic preventive checks against encroachments on foreshore areas at the sources.
  28. To ensure effective regulation of visitors at the source premises.
  29. To undertake periodic inspection to identify spots/areas of degeneration blight and ensure timely repair, rebuilding and maintenance of effected areas, pertaining to the following
    • Spillway gates including the wire ropes, pulleys and the operating parts
    • Emergency gates including the wire ropes, pulleys and the operating parts
    • Upstream paving
    • Down stream aprons, revetment and leakages
    • Bunds - Status of consolidation growth of weeds and vegetation etc
    • Lighting at surplus release points
    • Raw water conduits and trunk lines - special focus on sections vulnerable to pilferage encroachment and unauthorized modifications, and pollution
    • Sluice valves and Air valves, approach roads, cross drainage works.
  30. To formulate and obtain approval for flood regulation measures and train the staff in carrying out various operations in emergency.
  31. To take direct charge of flood regulation at reservoirs and flood wash areas.
  32. To undertake periodic inspection of the following:
    • Raw water conduits and trunk lines;
    • Verification and prevention measures pertaining to pilferage;
    • Encroachment and unauthorized modifications on main pipelines;
    • Pollution spots;
    • Status of all sluice valves and air valves
    • Condition of approach roads
    • Cross drainage works(before/after monsoon)
  33. To monitor alum dosage and logbook recording, stock levels of treatment plants.
  34. To monitor stock levels of alum and chlorine.
  35. To formulate and monitor cleaning schedules for tanks.
  36. To monitor trip sheets of water tankers.
  37. To undertake periodic assessment of service delivery in the concerned sections.Identify the factors causing inter sectional disparity and initiate measures for restoring the parity.
  38. To cause preparation of inventories of properties by age and value.
  39. To monitor the serviceability status of zonal meters.
  40. To cause preparation of annual/revised budgets in each concerned Section, integrate up to subdivision level and ensure timely submission for perusal and approval by the concerned division.
  41. To cause preparation of proposals for extension of service to new layouts by Section.
  42. To analyze out turn of work-for technical staff determine work norms and monitor and control payments on overtime.
  43. To undertake review complaints monitor the lead time for attending them identify and implement measures to shorten the lead time.


Manager (Engineering)-Operations & Maintenance

  1. To Formulate and ensure implementation of action plans for equitable supply of water in service areas.
  2. To schedule, implement, monitor and revise the service delivery timings in the areas concerned to be in tune with customer conveniences.
  3. To monitor and undertake appropriate measures to improve supply pressures and reconciliation between the demand & supply of water.
  4. To ensure implementation of prescribed measures on quality control standards in the service area.
  5. To cause timely detection and rectification of leakages and chokage clearance in the concerned service area.
  6. To ensure implementation of procedures for detection and monitoring pollution cases and to undertake appropriate measures for immediate rectification both repair as well as construction.
  7. To supervise the progress of various on going works in the service area and feed ensure implementation of the prescribed norms on Quality.
  8. To inspect, measure, record and ensure timely submission of bills for payment.
  9. To undertake periodic performance review of contractors and vendors and feed forward information to effect appropriate rating.
  10. To ensure proper maintenance of contractor ledger.
  11. To undertake periodic revue and ensure updating of utilities and systemic plans
  12. To ensure balance between the available capacity of the system, demand and sanctions for new service connections.
  13. To undertake inspection and authorize road cuttings as necessary and ensure refilling as per the prescribed norms.
  14. To undertake preparation of discharge tables and other connected technical reports.
  15. To ensure implementation of preventive maintenance schedules on chlorination plant and equipment and ensure operations free of leakages or other defects or break down.
  16. To ensure implementation of prescribed maintenance schedules and fire safe operations of safety and fire fighting equipment.
  17. To ensure safe operating conditions for sewer cleaning teams.
  18. To undertake scheduling of meter reading in the service area, ensure billing, ledgering and service of bills to consumers.
  19. To identify problems in operations, maintenance and employee welfare through periodic staff meetings.
  20. To cause preparation of the agenda notes as well as the minutes of such meetings.
  21. To organize consumer meets in service areas, identify consumer problems and deficiencies in service delivery and ensure corrective follow-up action.
  22. To obtain sanction, open and maintain impress accounts, MAS and T&P account.
  23. To undertake inspection visits in the service zone, identify cases of physical damage or degradation in respect of water supply and sewerage lines, initiate repairs or replacement (Manhole covers) as necessary.


Director (Engineering)- Projects

  1. To assist the Board in designing and developing appropriate structures and policies pertaining to project management- formulation, organization, implementation, monitoring, evaluation,etc.
  2. To provide professional and Administrative leadership in improving the Organizational competence on project preparation, appraisal/evaluation, monitoring and control.
  3. To evolve methodologies technical appraisals, Cost-Benefits appraisals, feasibility studies and condition monitoring studies on existing utilities-Filtration/treatment/pumping plants, trunk lines, civil works and structures, surge tanks, safety devices, reservoirs, meters, valves etc.
  4. To cause for collection, indexing, storage and retrieval of data pertinent to the ongoing schemes.
  5. To develop agenda for policy interventions/correctives pertaining to the project components of engineering, technology operations & maintenance, quality assurance and management.
  6. To evolve the administrative structure, system, norms and methods and ensure implementation thereof in respect of the following:
    • Performance Evaluating of Contractor of class-I and above and Consultants
    • Vendor rating
    • Material substitution, testing, approval;and upgradation
    • Inventory control.
  7. To take lead in effective management of inter-Organization interface with:
    • World Bank
    • U.N.D.P.
    • H.U.D.C.O
    • A.P.S.E.B.
    • Indian Railways, (SCR)
    • H.U.D.A.
    • M.C.H.
    • Roads & Buildings Dept, G.O.A.P.
    • Public Health Engineering Dept, G.O.A.P.
    • A.P.Housing Board
    • Central Public works Dept., G.O.I.
    • Central public Health Organization, G.O.I.
    • Municipal Administration & Urban Development Dept., G.O.A.P.
    • Ministry of Urban Development , G.O.I.
    • Revenue Department G.O.A.P/Collector of the concerned District
    • Consultants.
    • Steel Authority of India.
    • Municipal Councils in the service region.
  8. To develop planning perspectives, guidelines for detailed planning and for optimizing the fit between the bulk demand and systematic capacity.
  9. To search and secure appropriate methods and machinery for enhancing staff competencies on designing of structures, reservoirs, bridges treatment /filtration plants, pumping stations, pipelines, and related and projects appurtenances.
  10. To formulate and ensure effective implementation of administrative procedures pertaining to according sanctions /approvals of projects or schemes .
  11. To provide leadership and guidance in defining, drafting and implementing the terms of reference on consultancy assignments.
  12. To assemble and supervise project task force in effective execution of projects.
  13. To assemble and supervise project task force in effective execution of projects.
  14. To undertake periodic inspection and review of progress on project execution, adherence to standards on quality, and for diagnosis and resolution of operational problems.
  15. To coordinate with the heads of other principal functions, in the formulation of personnel policies and procedures and ensure effective implementation there of, in the project management group.
  16. To organize appropriate machinery for assembling a data bank on Godavari and Krishna basins, demographic parameters in the region, land use patterns and zonal/spatial development plans.
  17. To undertake planning, scheduling and implementation of Hydrological Surveys and to prescribe methods for documentation, indexing, storage and retrieval of the survey data.
  18. To develop appropriate interface with the finance function, for ensuring timely projections on cash flow, payables and receivables, issue of letters of credit etc.
  19. To cause preparation of budget estimates, revised estimates and other financial documentation.
  20. To co-ordinate with the function heads of operations Maintenance, Finance and personnel in developing for man power plans and for identifying the training needs of engineering personnel.


Chief General Manager (Engineering)-Projects

  1. To provide professional and managerial leadership in achieving the tasks assigned to the circle.
  2. To facilitate down-the-line dissemination of information arising out of the various technical appraisals, feasibility studies, design studies and other pertinent studies on applications and skills.
  3. To ensure systematic integration between different units involved in project planning and execution, quality control, monitoring, evaluation though prescribing reporting relationships as well as ensuring compliance thereto.
  4. To ensure effective implementation of systems and procedures on execution of works and procurement of goods.
  5. To schedule the preparation of estimates by down-the-line units, monitor and review, initiate appropriate correctives and ensure timely submission scrutiny and sanctions.
  6. To ensure effective implementation of prescribe norms and procedures pertaining to:
    • Performance evaluation of contractors
    • Vendor rating
    • Inventory control
    • Material planning, substitution, testing, approval and upgrading.
  7. To install appropriate administrative machinery, prescribe the methodology for generating pertinent data for preparing tender documents, ensure compliance with the procedures prescribed for the issue of notices inviting tenders.
  8. To ensure conformity with the rules, regulations and procedures governing receipt, processing, evaluation and acceptance of tender bids.
  9. To supervise the execution of works and procurement of goods and ensure compliance with the pertinent norms and standards during the execution of works and procurement of goods.
  10. To supervise, monitor and evaluate the ongoing projects on rehabilitation.
  11. To assume leadership in the matters pertaining to administrative liaison with the following departments/Agencies:
    • A.P.State Electricity Board
    • The Local Government Institutions Municipal Councils and village Panchayats-in the region
    • The Government of A.P.Departments viz
      • Roads and Buildings
      • Panchayat Raj
      • Industries
      • P.W.D.
      • P.H.E.D
  12. The G.O.I.Agencies
    • C.P.W.D
    • Indian Railways(SCR).
  13. To co-ordinate with the consultants and facilitate liaison with down the line units.
  14. To liaison with the A.P.E.R.L for facilitating transfer of knowledge pertaining to model studies on down stream aprons, pumping sections etc.,
  15. To convene the various committees constituted to identify protective measures against water pollution at sources-prepare agenda for the meetings, document the minutes of discussions and observations ensure indexing, Storage and retrieval on demand.
  16. To undertake periodic inspection of works under execution, review the progress and conformity with the quality norms, record the observations and ensure follow up action.
  17. To undertake performance evaluation of contractors and vendor rating in accordance with the prescribed norms.Search and secure data for updating the schedules of rates.
  18. To take lead in respect of identification of operational problems, search and secure methods for their resolution, through periodic meetings with the consultants, contractors and the concerned engineering staff.
  19. To ensure implementation of the statutory provisions pertaining to contracts, agreements and arbitration.
  20. To facilitate collection of pertinent data from the following institutions/Agencies/Govt Departments, arrange for indexing, storage and retrieval thereof, on demand:
    • Geological Survey of India- Topo sheets, Geological maps and Indo-Canadian Project Reports.
    • H.U.D.A - Land use pattern maps, zonal Development plans, Bye pass Roads & Ring Roads.
    • Directorate of Town Planning- Spatial planning maps, land plans.
    • Central/State Ground Water Dept and the N.R.S.A- Ground Water sources/levels G.T.S.bench Marks.
    • APPCB/NEERI/CPCB - Data on pollution.
    • M.C.H. - Storm Water Drains.
    • Bureau of Indian Standards.- Material specifications.
  21. To prescribed the methodology and ensure implementation thereof, indexing, storage and retrieval on demand the date on existing utilities and their aging patterns, unaccounted for water, O.D.A. Projects etc.
  22. To plain for the establishment of quality control labs, define the control/test parameters and processes and ensure effective implementation thereof.
  23. To initiate personnel performance improvement programs and encourage professionalism amongst the staff through active participation in organizing training programs/seminars, sponsoring subscription to professionaljournals/magzines preparation of case studies etc...
  24. To undertake planning, scheduling and executing of Hydrographic surveys and preparation of contour plans prior to extension of service to new areas.
  25. To cause preparation of annual budgets monitor the progress, utilization of funds in accordance with the budget priorities and sanction final modifications arising out of project contingencies.


General Manager (Engineering)-Projects

  1. To provide professional and managerial leadership in achieving the tasks assigned to the division.
  2. To authorize commencement of work execution, arrange for fixation of bench marks for monitoring the rate of progress, monitor the progress of execution through periodic inspections and review.
  3. To undertake check measurement of works as per the schedule.
  4. To enforce conformity with the prescribed systems and schedules for recording, billing, scrutiny, approval and disbursement of payments to contractors and vendors.
  5. To ensure effective maintenance of accounts and the audit thereof in consultation with the finance department.
  6. To take charge of the preparation of plans, design and estimates and ensure timely submission, scrutiny and sanctions.Ensure compliance by down-the-line units through inspection and review.
  7. To take harte of the preparation of budget estimates, revision and final modification in consultation with the finance department.
  8. To cause preparation of the monthly forecast of ash requirement, for the entire division coordination with the finance department.
  9. To undertake field inspection of works in progress along with the Dy.General Manager and the Contractor concerned-identify qualitative deficiencies, slippage, discrepancies, prepare inspection notes in corporating the observations as well as suggestions for effecting corrections and ensure follow up action.
  10. To monitor work execution identify deviations from the plans, prepare statements of explanation /analysis and take charge of the follow up action as under the guidance of the Chief General Manager concerned.
  11. To cause preparation of the completion plans and reports, ensure compliance with the schedules and procedures by down the line units.
  12. To undertake periodic inspection for physical verification of Tools, Plants and Materials at site.
  13. To undertake cadastral survey and initiate the necessary measures for land acquisition for various works/projects.
  14. To establish organizational rapport, for identification and resolution of common problems with the following:
    • A.P state Electricity board
    • Hyderabad Urban Development Authority
    • Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad
    • Municipal council and other Panchayat bodies in the region
    • Roads and Buildings Department, G.O.A.P.
    • Public Health Engineering Department, G.O.A.P.
    • Revenue Department, G.O.A.P.
    • Public Works Department, G.O.A.P
    • Industries Department, G.O.A.P
    • A.P Pollution Control Board
    • A.P Industrial Infrastructure Corporation(APIIC)
    • South Central Railway(I.R).
  15. To cause collection of soil samples and actively associate with the technical analysis and decisions pertaining to the Foundations and other related works.
  16. To cause collection of data on water tables levels, arrange for documentation, indexing, storage and retrieval on demand.
  17. To organize the market intelligence and identify appropriate sources for material supply.
  18. To undertake periodic performance review of contractors and material vendors, develop records and assist the higher echelons in the matters of classification and rating respectively.
  19. To develop inventories sources and schedules of inception and ensure complaints with the calendar in liaison with the Electrical inspectorate.
  20. To supervise and monitor the activities pertaining to program planning, implementation and staff deployment at the subdivision and sections.
  21. To guide the subordinate Officers in the implementation of personnel procedures and other regulations enunciated from time to time.


Deputy General Manager(Engineering)-Projects

  1. To supervise the technical and administrative staff in performance of their duties and responsibilities.
  2. To undertake an orientation study of the feasibility reports, technical designs, specifications and processes pertaining to the ongoing projects/works.
  3. To guide the managers in collecting the requisite field data and arrange for its compilation in accordance with the structure prescribed by the higher echelons.
  4. To undertake inspection visits for scrutiny and verification of
    • Lead charts.
    • Classification of trial pits.
    • Recording of levels.
    • Classification of soils on plans.
  5. To supervise the preparation of land schedules.
  6. To undertake liaison work with
    • Revenue Department GOAP. - for data on land schedules and cadastral information.
    • Roads & Buildings Department GOAP.- for data inputs for plans and estimates involving road and rail crossings.
    • Indian Railways, S.C.R.
  7. To arrange for 'Mark out' of works to be assigned and seek for scrutiny and approval of the General Manager concerned, ensure action as directed.
  8. To undertake regular inspection of work sites and ensure the 'progress' and 'quality' of execution in conformity with the specifications and schedules.Records orders and instructions, including instructions on maintenance, in the Work order book.Arrange for the issue of notices to concerned contractors for effecting correctives.
  9. To carryout check measurement of works in accordance with the schedule, ensure timely preparation and submission of bills for scrutiny and onward transmission for approval.
  10. To cause preparation of annual budget work/project estimates revised estimates and ensure timely submission for scrutiny and approval.
  11. To cause authorization, and approval after scrutiny of the impress account holdings including managers reconciliation of invoices at the section level.
  12. To initiate measures for opening and maintenance of contractor's ledgers.
  13. To supervise the deployment of manpower specifically pertaining to the category of H.R/NMR, sanctioning of leave of absence and arranging substitutes, preparation of acquittance rolls and other bills for payments on accountant of Allowances, advances and entitlements.
  14. To undertake physical verification of material at site, tool, plants and equipments.
  15. To implement the methodologies, the formats and the frequency for the review of execution and guide the concerned managers in preparing deviation/modification statements or completion plans, arrange for scrutiny and attestation and obtain approval from the appropriate authorities.
  16. To monitor the progress of execution of work deviations and modifications, guide the concerned managers in preparing deviation/modification statements or completion plans, arrange for scrutiny and attestation and obtain approval from the appropriate authorities.
  17. To schedule review meetings between contractors and other concerned managers participate in the meetings.Cause for preparation of the agenda for discussions and the minutes of the meetings held.
  18. To monitor for detection of items not covered under the schedules and arrange for appropriate administrative action in consultation with the General Manager concerned.
  19. To undertake pre-delivery inspection and verification of material and equipment at the manufacturer's/Vendor's premises.


Manager (Engineering)-Projects

  1. To take direct charge of work execution, supervise the technical and administrative staff in performance of their duties and responsibilities.
  2. To undertake compilation of data and information, in accordance with the formats as per the schedules and ensure timely submission to the Dy.Genl.Manager concerned.
  3. To prepare the foundation wells for inspection and approval by the Dy.G.M./G.M.concerned, ensure the implementation of any directions if any, prior to pouring in the concrete.
  4. To compile, monitor and ensure timely submission of progress reports, to the Dy.G.M/G.M. concerned.
  5. To undertake study of the project reports/designs/estimates and gain indepth understanding of the project components, such as the designs, technology, processes, procedures and guide the technical staff in implementing them.
  6. To obtain & arrange for indexing, storing, updating and retrieval on call, all the project documents such as, project reports, plans, designs specifications, register of agreements along with the plans estimates and other designated documents.
  7. To undertake appropriate follow up actions arising out of land acquisition proceedings, ensure the transfer of ownership rights and possession of the land so acquired under the guidance of the Dy.GM/GM concerned.
  8. To ensure collection of samples of work executed, submit for quality tests, all the designated labs/agencies obtain certification and take the follow up action.
  9. To supervise the execution of work in accordance with the standard check lists, and ensure timely submission of progress reports and the completed checklist to the Dy.G.M/G.M. concerned.
  10. To monitor the execution of work to identify deviations short-falls, slippage and failures bring them to the notice of the Dy.G.m/G.M. concerned.
  11. To prepare contingency plans, under the guidance of the Dy.G.M/G.M concerned, to meet shortages of material or labour.
  12. To ensure the attendance of contractor's engineering staff at the site and communicate the cases of default to the contractor as well as the Dy.G.M/G.M concerned.
  13. To make available the 'work order book' at site, during the time of execution of work.
  14. To undertake measurement of work executed record thereof in the measurement books and arrange check measurement by the Dy.G.M/G.M. concerned as per the schedule.
  15. To undertake preparation of completion plans and ensure timely submission to the Dy.G.M./G.M concerned for scrutiny and approval.
  16. To undertake the opening, timely recording and maintenance of contractors accounts ledger and obtain the USR from the concerned contractor.
  17. To undertake the opening.timely recording and maintenance of:
    • Material at site Accounts register
    • Tools & Plants Accounts register
    • P.O.L. Accounts register
    • Other consumable accounts register.
  18. To secure authorization for operating of imprest accounts and undertake actual operation in accordance with the prescribed rules.
  19. To arrange for physical inspection and verification of material at site, tools and plants and other equipment, by the Dy.G./G.M concerned, obtain the inspection notes and take up the follow up action as directed therein.
  20. To plan and obtain adequate staff for watch & ward assignments at site, and undertake its effective deployment to ensure security & safety of Board's properties.
  21. To undertake appropriate action to communicate Damage, loss or theft of property to the police and the District administration, under the guidance of the Dy.G.M\G.M concerned.


Chief General Manager (Engineering)-Survey & Investigation

  1. To provide professional and managerial leadership in achieving the tasks assigned to the circle.
  2. To provide technical guidance and leadership in the designing of structures, systems and procedures for collection, compilation, analysis and interpretation of pertinent data on the following:
    • Technical designs and strategies, potential sources impounding, location of intake structures, pumping stations, reservoirs, treatment units of water supply and sewerage, alignments, flow dynamics, interceptions -rail, road and others etc
    • Physical survey
    • Project feasibility
    • Man power
    • Material - Specifications, supply sources, methods for procurement
    • Machines, tools and plants
    • Industrial Development Policy
    • Demographic aspects such as population variations, dispersion & urbanization
    • Formation of new human settlements or variations in the size of existing settlements
    • Cadastral information and contour maps
    • Hydrographic surveys
    • Utility plans
  3. To undertake translation of survey and investigation objectives into detailed action plans, prescribe procedures for execution, establish guidelines for monitoring and evaluation of progress and ensure compliance by down the line units.
  4. To facilitate generation of data and flow of pertinent information between various down the line units pertaining to the following of:
    • Periodic forecast on demand and supply dimensions of construction materials
    • Schedules of rates including for items not covered by current schedules
    • Manuals for various technical operations
    • Technological innovations and technology transfer
    • Project logistics
  5. To assume leadership in the matters pertaining to administrative liaison for servicing the data base with the following agencies and departments:
    • Department of industries of GOAP
    • Irrigation Department - GOAP
    • Municipal Administration & Urban Development - GOAP
    • Hyderabad Urban Development Authority
    • AP Housing Board
    • AP Weaker Section Housing Corporation
    • AP Pollution Control Board
    • Local Government Authorities in the Region
    • Indian Railways(SCR)
    • Defense Organization/Units in the region
  6. To cause preparation of analytical studies and reports on the administration feasibility and technical viability on the project proposal, assigned to the circle.
  7. To undertake periodic inspection of survey and investigation work in progress, search and identify the gaps in data generation and guide the field staff in the implementation of corrective actions.
  8. To undertake monitoring and evaluation of work in progress, for identification of operational problems. Evolve and prescribe methods/procedures for their correction and ensure implementation thereof by the field staff.
  9. To evolve appropriate methods for indexing, storage and retrieval of data generated at various down the line units.
  10. To ensure coordination between the specialist teams and the field staff, in carrying out studies on unaccounted for water and rehibitation of water supply/sewerage lines.


General Manager (Engineering)-Survey & Investigation

  1. To study and gain indepth knowledge pertaining to the objective of survey/investigation on hand.
  2. To undertake identification and enumeration of sources/institutions for generating primary data pertaining to the survey/investigation on hand.
  3. To undertake preparation and execution of detailed work plans pertaining to the projects assigned.
  4. To undertake deployment of manpower in tune with the project priorities.
  5. To provide technical guidance in the preparation of flow diagrams and idex diagrams pertaining to the following.
  6. To cause preparation of preliminary reports, arrange for indexing, storage and retrieval thereof, pertaining to the following.
    • Demographic data
    • Hydrology and reliability of resources.
    • Foundations and soil profiles including the data on interface between specific skills and the construction material, testing procedures and standards
    • Topography and contour details
    • Industrial development
    • Development plans, layout plans, village maps, cadastral maps, Revenue maps, Transportation corridors(Roads & bridges), GTS data
    • Water Supply treatment plants, waste water disposal-model case studies, Test procedure; viii) Work flow diagrams, Network charts etc
    • Inventories of instruments and other survey equipment in use
  7. To take charge of the preparation of budget estimates, revision and modification thereof, in consultation with the C.G.H
  8. To authorize imprest account holdings ensure effective maintenance of accounts and the audit thereof
  9. To ensure availability of serviceable survey equipment, tools and plants undertake periodic inspection for physical verification thereof.
  10. To undertake estimation and certification for procurement of labour
  11. To undertake planning and provisioning of logistic support to the field staff.
  12. To guide the field staff in conducting surveys, carry out test hecks on recorded levels of sources, treatment works and reservoirs.
  13. To ensure safe custody of chain books, level books plans, data on exploration/bore wells.
  14. To undertake preparation of details survey reports and ensure timely submission thereof.


Deputy General Manager (Engineering)-Survey & Investigation

  1. To supervise the technical and administrative staff in performance of their duties and responsibilities.
  2. To ascertain the data needs of the survey mission and ensure collection, compliance, summarizing and documenting the pertinent data.
  3. To ensure the knowledge of field staff in regard to mission objectives, goals and procedures.
  4. To guide the field staff in regard to the methodology for collection of the following.
    • Topo sheets, village/town maps
    • Hydrological data from the Irrigation Department - GOAP
    • Ground water data from the State/central agencies
    • Soil samples from foundations, testing and certification.
  5. To supervise the field staff and render technical guidance as required on matters pertaining to the following:
    • Preparation of lead charts
    • Marketing of alternatives on topo sheets
    • Preparation of alternative proposals and carrying out comparative cost benefit analysis
    • Preparation of regime tables and assessment of source reliability
    • Preparation of block plans, site plans on tour plans S&CS of trunk lines and roads
    • Hydraulic diagrams
    • Digging of trial pits exploratory bores, collection of soil samples and procedures for verification thereof
    • Preparation of proposals for land acquisition
    • Preparation of progress reports, estimates, revision and submission for approval
    • Safety precautions against theft, fire, floods
    • Preparation of contingency plans
    • Maintenance custody of level/chain books
  6. To procure and provide survey and drawing instruments on adequate scale to meet the demand.
  7. To ensure compliance to servicing, maintenance and calibration schedules pertaining to the survey and drawing instruments.
  8. To undertake inspection of level and fixation of bench marks
  9. To assign and supervise the tasks of leveling near sources, treatment plants and pumping stations on reservoirs.
  10. To cause preparation of estimates and revision there of required.
  11. To undertake identification of potential sites for floating bridges and crossings in collaboration with the Panchayat Raj Department GOAP, R & B Department GOAP, HUDA and the local municipal authorities.
  12. To ensure safe custody of level/chain books as per the prescribed procedures.


Manager (Engineering)-Survey & Investigation

  1. To take direct charge of survey, supervise the subordinate technical and administrative staff in performance of their duties and responsibilities.
  2. To cause for collection of data compilation, analysis and preparation of reports as desired by the DYGM/GM.
  3. To undertake study of the project proposal and gain indepth knowledge pertaining to the objectives, goals, methods, procedures and the related schedules of the survey Mission.
  4. To undertake preparation, execution, procurement of samples, collection of data, approval and certification as prescribed pertaining to :
    • LS & CS maps, block levels, fixation of bench marks
    • Chain surveys and compass surveys
    • Alignments by theodolite
    • Village maps, cadastral maps and topo sheets
    • Soil samples, lab testing and analysis
    • Ground water level charts, trial boars or pits
    • Land schedules for approach roads, reservoirs, treatment plants, intake works and other civic Structures
    • Lead charts
    • Detailed plans and estimates
    • Rate schedules for cement, steel and other cost intensive material/equipment
  5. To undertake technical assessment pertaining to removal of rock and the feasibility of blasting.
  6. To undertake preparation of detailed sectional maps indicating the following
    • Pipeline levels
    • Location of valves on hydraulic lines
    • Location of vertical /horizontal bends
    • Location of trial pits
    • Profiles of sections
    • Cross drainage works
    • Treatment plants
    • Pumping stations
    • Reservoirs
  7. To undertake procurement of survey and drawing instruments as per the prescribed sale, ensure compliance with the prescribed schedules on storage maintenance, servicing and documentation thereof.
  8. To undertake preparation, indexing, storage, and retrieval of the following:
    • Periodic progress reports
    • Chain books
    • Level books


General Manager (Engineering)-Staff Offices

  1. To undertake collection, compilation and analysis of pertinent data, submission thereof for technical approval by the competent authorities and arrange for indexing, referencing, updating, storage, custody and retrieval thereof in regard to the following:
    • Material specifications and standards
    • Rates schedules for cement, steel plates, H.T Steel reinforcement rods and specials
    • Norms, standards and specifications regarding technical designs of structures, pipelines, treatment plants, pumping station, filtration plants etc
    • Project notes and related documents
  2. To monitor the usage of internal copying machines offices equipment, computers, printers and other equipment, procurement of stationery and furniture, and timely payment of bills towards telephones, telex, fax & Electricity.
  3. To undertake assessment of the database for preparation of designs, estimates, plans and bid documents, arrange for generation of the pertinent data indexing, referencing, documentation, storage and retrieval thereof.
  4. To provide leadership in preparation of designs, estimates plans and bid document, monitor the progress ensure timely submission for verification and approval there of by the competent authorities.
  5. To undertake scrutiny and verification of T.O.R and other documents pertaining to consultancy services prior to approval thereof.
  6. To monitor the correspondence with external agencies, institutions and departments such as Government of india, Government of Andhra Pradesh, World Bank etc.
  7. To undertake preparation of proposals for consultancies, submission thereof to the concerned competent agencies such as GOI/World Bank, monitoring the progress on processing and approval and the follow up actions as necessary.
  8. To undertake scheduling, monitoring and follow up pertaining to the following:
    • Monthly action plans and
    • Progress reports there on specifically for PR.
  9. To undertake preparation of proposals for release of FOREX funds from the DEA, Govt.of india, initiate scrutiny and approval by the competent authorities in the board, ensure timely submission and follow up.
  10. To undertake monitoring of PRs of the individual staff and initiate appropriate follow up with the field staff, for timely disposal of cases.
  11. To supervise the subordinate staff in the preparation of the following:
    • Estimates - works, annual and revised
    • Plans, designs, drawings and related documentation
    • Schedules of rates and rate contracts.
  12. To undertake collection and consolidation of periodic progress reports from deacon the line executing units of submit for approval by competent authorities scrutiny and ensure timely submission to the World Bank.


Deputy General Manager (Engineering)-Staff Offices

  1. To undertake preparation of check lists for verification of progress, compliance with norms and standards and ensure compliance there to by the concerned staff pertaining to the following:
    • Preparation of designs, detailed plans and estimates
    • Preparation of notes, reports, and the related documentation
    • Obtaining financial data and development of suitable criteria in respect of hand over tenders
  2. To undertake scrutiny and verification of the data received from the field offices, identify gaps. in the information and initiate follow up to bridge the identified gaps.
  3. To undertake scrutiny and short listing of consultancy proposals, in accordance with the prescribed procedures.
  4. To undertake scrutiny and verification of drafts TOR for consultancy assignments.
  5. To undertake preparatory documentation, on the project proposals of the category requiring concurrence of the world bank, and initiate the follow up action for incorporating the suggestions/observations of the bank there on and norms for the state of progress on proposals pending with the banks.
  6. To undertake monitoring of receipt of periodic progress reports from the field offices, ensure scrutiny and verification there of for compliance with the prescribed schedules.
  7. To take charge of the following secretarial support functions:
    • Task assignments to administrative assistants, stenographers, typists etc
    • Monitor the progress of work and the follow up actions
    • Monitor the usage of office equipment and stationery
    • Monitor the usage of computers and other precision equipment
    • Maintenance, servicing and calibration of the office equipment, computers, printers, typewriters, drawing instruments etc.
  8. To assist the concerned principal offices pertaining to the following:
    • Preparation of agenda for consideration of D.R.P committee's
    • Scheduling the meeting of D.R.P.Committee
    • Drawing the meeting of D.R.P committee and communication there of to the concerned field units
    • Preparation of minutes discussions at the D.R.P Meetings
    • Follow up actions arising out of D.R.P committee recommendations
  9. To undertake scrutiny and verification of tenders prepared comparative statements and the related documentation.
  10. To assist the principal officer in developing analytical statements for the consideration of tender committees recording the minutes of tender committee meetings and the follow up action arising thereof.
  11. To assist the principal officer in matters pertaining to the following:
    • Correspondence with the banks and other financial institutions
    • Correspondence with the subunits end engineering administration/finance units of the board
    • Generation of data on allocations, expenditure and disbursements pertaining to world bank schemes
    • Charges to key personnel for consultancies
    • Review of P.R.S of staff and follow up actions arising therein
    • Scrutiny and verification of Registers of estimates, plans and tenders
    • Preparation of action plans, scheduling monitoring and evaluation of progress on tasks assigned to the staff


Manager(Engineering)-staff Offices

  1. To take charge of preparing drawings, designs plans and estimates
  2. To undertake technical scrutiny and verification of data, usage of connotations, etc reflected in the plans, drawings and estimates.
  3. To undertake preparation of bid documents as assigned by the principal officier concerned.
  4. To undertake scrutiny and verification of tenders, preparation of comparative statements and appropriate explanatory notes as necessary to facilitate interpretation and decision making by the concerned authorities.
  5. To undertake preparation of progress reports in accordance with the prescribed formates and schedules.
  6. To undertake scrutiny and verification of contractors claims.
  7. To monitor the status of PRs and ensure timely submission for action by the concerned authorities.
  8. To undertake preparation of technical briefs, pertaining to cases under litigation.
  9. To undertake data generation, compilation and analysis on issues relating to references/observation from the world bank aid mission.
  10. To undertake administrative actions pertaining to the following:
    • Advance intimation of D.R.P, itinerary
    • Circulation of information pertaining to the purpose, issues and methodology for review
    • Followup action arising out of the D.R.P observations/recommendations


Senior Technical Officer/Technical Officer - Civil

  1. To take direct charge of data collection, in accordance with the procedures under the guidance of concerned Manager/Dy.GM
  2. To undertake formating, calendaring and routing as necessary for collection of the data
  3. To undertake drafting of notes, circulars and letters in accordance with the instructions of the superior officers
  4. To monitor the data inflow, identify delays, delinquencies and gaps and bring them to the notice of the H.O.D
  5. To arrange for proper deployment of the sub-ordinate staff in harge of data posting, corrections and updating
  6. To undertake preparation of comparative statements for tender evaluation.
  7. To undertake compilation, collection, summarizing and interpretation of the technical data pertaining to the following:
    • Notice inviting tenders
    • Rate schedules, (DGS&D, Pit, PWD, R&B, PHE&PR)
    • Technical drawings
    • Notation standards/Technical codes
    • Hydraulic tables
    • Material specifications, codes and standards
    • Statutory provisions in regard to contracts/agreements
    • Procedures and provisions for formulating of T.O.R on consultancies
    • Type design
    • Data for revision of annual schedules of rates
    • Deviation statements
  8. To undertake collection, indexing, custody/storage and retrieval of the following:
    • Maps, drawing, plans and topo sheets
    • Technical literature
  9. To undertake scrutiny and verification of the contractors claims for payment.
  10. To undertake scrutiny of Hydraulic data on water supply & sewerage systems prior to extension of service to new areas.
  11. To assist the principal officers concerned(GM/DGM/Manager)in the section, in the matters of office correspondence(Technical).
  12. To monitor the inflow of periodic progress reports specially FNPR, bring to the notice of the principal officer concerned cases of delays and delinquency.
  13. To undertake preparation of simple drawings, maps, designs under the guidance of the principal officer concerned.
  14. To take charge of the maintenance and servicing of drawing instruments and equipment in the section.
  15. To render assistance to the principal officers concerned in the preparation of annual budget estimates and revised estimates.


Senior Technical Officer - Mechanical

  1. To undertake deployment of technical staff, guide, supervise and monitor the day to day progress.
  2. To monitor the ongoing work relating to maintenance and operations such as jointing, testing of pipelines and sewers including specials.
  3. To assist in the operation and maintenance pertaining to filter beds, valves, flash mixers, floculators, clarifier's.alum mixing plants, wash water pumps, pressure gauges and chlorination equipment.
  4. To assist in the maintenance of cranes, air tech machines, sewer cleaning bucket machines, tackles, winhes, hoists.
  5. To assist in the maintenance of Oxygen cutting torhes and aessories.
  6. To assist in the maintenance of hand relating drilling, threading, fitting, pipe bending and maintenance of log books.


Senior Technical Officer-Electrical

  1. To undertake deployment of subordinate technical staff, guide, supervise and monitor the day to day progress.
  2. To undertake dismantling, servicing and reassembling of switch gear, starters, motors, blowers, generators, compressors and battery charging equipment.
  3. To undertake preparation of layout diagrams for domestic and industrial wiring.
  4. To prepare system for energising lower medium voltage machines and control panels as per I.E. Rules.
  5. To undertake installing, wiring, testing, fault finding and rectification of lighting systems.
  6. To undertake operation and maintenance of transformers, boosters, rectifiers, HV underground cables, joints.
  7. Operation and maintenance of mergers/insulation testers, continuity tests, frequency meters, powers factor meters.
  8. To undertake basic services of wireless equipment and fault detection.
  9. To undertake recording of log books.


General Manager(QAT)

  1. To supervise the monitoring of residual chlorine and initiate appropriate action with the concerned Manager(Engg.)/Dy.General Manager(Engg.)for maintaining adequate residual chlorine in the systems.
  2. To ensure adequate stocks of alum chlorine and bleaching powder at the treatment work and service reservoirs.
  3. To undertake evaluation of the chemical and bacteriological reports and guide the concerned staff in case of any deficiencies pertaining to methods/tehniques.
  4. To develop sampling strategy appropriate to cover the description as well as intensity of unwholesome samples received.
  5. To prepare minutes of discussions of various committees on situated for ensuring water quality.
  6. To study to the data collected on Physical, Chemical & Bacteriological elements and evolve correct live methods for consideration of the Board.
  7. To plan, for carrying out analysis of toxic trace materials, microscopical and biological examination.
  8. To develop institutional collaboration with HUDA evolving land use plans.
  9. To carry out validation of heks through random sampling of Alum, Bleaching powder and Chlorine liquid for ensuring Quality Control.
  10. To analyze the ongoing process of treatment and suggest measures to achieve optimum efficiency.
  11. To carry out condition analysis of filter media from time to time and to monitor the results of corrective actions.
  12. To undertake procurement of equipment and chemical for the central lab and the labs at treatment plants.
  13. Short listing of vendors of chemical and equipment and review the same periodically.
  14. Monitoring of leaning the sedimentation tanks as per schedules.
  15. To co-ordinate with IPM, MCH and DMO/Medical services, in matters pertaining to the control of communicable diseases.
  16. To monitor cleaning of ELSR and GLSRs.
  17. To monitor scouring of water supply mains.
  18. To monitor the entry of industrial effluents into domestic secoevapelystem through sampling and analysis for BOD/COD.
  19. To assist in preparation of water supply and sewerage regulations especially those relating to industrial effluents.
  20. To monitor the quality of air near sludge digester's and glass holders.
  21. To undertake soil analysis, wherever sewerage is used for irrigation


Deputy General Manager/Technical Officer(QAT)

  1. To undertake collection of samples of water supply and drainage for their testing at laboratory.
  2. To verify residual chlorine at treatment plants, service reservoirs and the delivery points in the distribution system and initiate appropriate follow up action.
  3. To monitor the stock levels of alum in treatment plants and in case of storage, bring it to the notice of the concerned.
  4. To monitor the stock levels of chlorine at chlorination points and in case of storage, bring it to the notice of the concerned.
  5. To monitor the quality of incoming raw water at treatment plants and initiate appropriate follow up action.
  6. To monitor the quality of water at the impoundments and initiate appropriate follow up action.
  7. To carry out quality conformity checks on the consignments of procured from time to time.
  8. To monitor the serviceability status of chlorinators.
  9. To monitor the patterns of incidence pertaining to Gastroenteritis, cholera and jaundice and bring it to the notice of in-charge of the effectiveness.
  10. To conduct epidemiological survey to identify the sources of GE cases.In cases of the disease being attributed to water pollution, assist the manager concerned in identify in the source of pollution.
  11. To initiate corrective action in respect of unwholesome samples reported by the IPM and MCH.
  12. To assist engineering staff in detecting sources of pollution and confirm effectiveness action after due analysis.
  13. To prepare estimates of chemicals, lab equipment for the laboratories.


Director-Finance & Accounts

  1. To assist the board in developing long and medium range corporate plans for the HMWSSB, for achieving the corporate goals, by coordinating with other functions and assist monitoring the same.
  2. To install systems for preparation of annual budgets for the Board and for monitoring the same and implementation thereof, as well as coordinate the work relating to budgeting and monitoring.
  3. To assist the Board in formulating sound financial and accounting policies, with appropriate internal checks and controls, to meet the statutory as well as management information requirements, implement the same and monitor on a continuous basis implementation of the same.
  4. To develop and install Management Information and Decision Support Systems and monitor operation of the same(pertaining to finance, accounting, project monitoring, inventory planning and related areas).
  5. To organize internal audit with the desirable frequency and coverage and to report or arrange reporting the observations of the audit with appropriate advice to the appropriate authorities.
  6. To develop and implement financial and accounting procedures to support the above.
  7. To design and implement financial and accounting procedures to support the above.
  8. To organize effective cash flow management to ensure smoother cash flows to meet the requirements of the organization.
  9. To assist the Board in mobilizing necessary finances from Governmental, institutional and public sources.
  10. To ensure debt service to lending institutions and to ensure compliance with the financial covenants agreed to with such institutions.
  11. To organize contingency plans to meet unforeseen financial requirements of the Board.
  12. To review the above systems and procedures and effect improvements from time to time.
  13. To organize and conduct the affairs of the Finance and Accounts Department of the HMWSSB at the Board and all its other offices to achieve the above objectives.
  14. To periodically undertake special studies to explore the possibilities of cost optimization, in coordination with other departments and advise the management.
  15. To aid, assist and counsel the management team on matters of financial implications.
  16. To ensure preparation of periodical and annual accounts(Balance Sheet, Income & Expenditure Account, Funds Flow Statements etc)of the HMWSSB and to ensure audit of the same by the statutory auditors in time.
  17. To deal with external auditors on behalf of the HMWSSB, by having necessary coordination with other departments.
  18. To discharge the duties and responsibilities entrusted to the Director (Finance) by the HMWSSB Act and Rules/Regulations made thereunder and by the Managing Director and the Board from time to time.


Chief General Manager-Accounts

  1. To cause maintenance of proper accounts and other records in relation thereto to be kept, and cause preparation of annual and periodical statements of accounts (balance sheets revenue and expenditure account, and schedules) in such form as may be prescribed by regulations
  2. To design and implement accounting systems, taking full advantage of automatic office equipment and modern scientific developments in electronic data processing, with appropriate built in internal checks and controls
  3. To cause timely preparation and presentation of annual, quarterly and monthly accounting report like balance sheets, income and expenditure accounts, funds flow statements etc
  4. To ensure implementation to accounts system and procedures and timely preparation of periodical accounting statements and reports at office of the Board
  5. To guide and advice on systems and procedures throughout the HMWSSB, so far as concerned with finance and accounts.


Chief General Manager-Finance

  1. To design and implement financial procedures and polices
  2. To initiate long and short term plans, supervise the plan implementation pertaining to fiscal planning, annual budgets, authorizations regarding operating schedules and commitments, finalization of budget allocations to circles, divisions and departments coordinating with them in the assembly of data.
  3. To design formats as well as scheduling of collection of preliminary materials for assembly of fiscal year budget.
  4. To cause quarterly/monthly/financial reports and forecasts.
  5. To exercise vigilance over financial ratios to help management to implement sound financial policies.
  6. To effect credit management, budget monitoring cash management, cash forecasting, financial modeling, medium and longterm forecasting.
  7. To establish sound pricing policies.
  8. To guide and advice on systems and procedures through out the HMWSSB.
  9. To counsel top management on capital investment policies by application of capital budgeting techniques and effect capital and revenue budget monitoring including project monitoring.
  10. To advise the management to ensure optimal utilization of the resources of the Board.
  11. To organize effective systems of pre-audit and payments and to arrange receipts of recoverable and to cause proper accounting of cash and bank transactions.
  12. To arrange institutional finance and manage public issues.
  13. To keep in touch the financial market conditions, institutional financing policies and appropriately keep the management at various levels informed.
  14. To lease with Government and various lending agencies and ensure compliance with the requirements of Government and lending institutions.
  15. To assist the director(Finance)in implementation pf the HMWSSB(Borrowing sums) Rules.


General Manager Finance & Accounts

  1. To cause preparation of periodical statements and annual statements of accounts and maintain them.
  2. To assist the CGM in designing and development of accounting systems and its implementations.
  3. To cause preparation of formats and schedules for collecting preliminary data for assembly of fiscal year budget.
  4. To cause preparation of quarterly/monthly financial reports and forecasts.
  5. To undertake monitoring of financial ratios.
  6. To assist the management in implementing financial policies.
  7. To assist the CGM in effecting credit management, budget monitoring, cash management, cash forecasting, financial modeling, medium and longterm forecasting.
  8. To assist the CGM in evolving pricing.
  9. To assist HMWSSB in developing suitable systems and procedures for effective Financial Control.
  10. To assist management in evolving suitable capital investment policies, and implementation of capital budgeting techniques and monitor capital and revenue performance.


General Manager-Internal Audit

  1. To undertake designing and implementation of comprehensive internal audit systems, in consultation and with the guidance of the Director(Finance).
  2. To schedule regular physical verification of assets and report thereon.
  3. To assist the management in developing appropriate audit systems to ensure effective internal checks.
  4. To plan for effective internal audit coverage, ensure proper accounting of receipts, payments, income, expenditure, assets and liabilities.
  5. To undertake verification of financial reports furnished by various departments and monitor variances and discrepancies.
  6. To arrange propriety audit of all financial transactions of the Board.
  7. To undertake performance and management audits.
  8. To undertake analysis of audit explanations received from various units and develop analytical reports on matters requiring their attention.
  9. To cause preparation of internal audit manual.
  10. To undertake measures for liaison with Accountant General and arrange appropriate replies to A.G's audit observations.
  11. To arrange for addressing the matters relating to PAC observations.


Deputy General Manager - Accounts

  1. Closing cash book/bank book.
  2. Sending copy of cash/bank book to Board Office.
  3. Posting of Ledgers by next day.
  4. Posting of sub-ledgers within 2 days from the date of transaction.
    • Bank reconciliation statements.
    • Action on the reconciled items.
  5. Monthly trial balance.
  6. Monthly balance-sheet, income & expenditure account.
  7. Monthly cash forecast(for the next month).
  8. Cash Flow statement.
  9. Monthly scheme schedules.
  10. Monthly schedule of sub-ledgers.
  11. Monthly requisition of funds(for the next month).
  12. Monthly statements of receipts, payments, income & expenditure comparing actuals with budget.


Deputy General Manager - Materials Accounting

  1. Maintenance of (Computerized) stock accounts of the Board, material wise, scheme wise, section wise, stock point wise and contractor wise.
  2. Arranging data entry of stores receipts, issues and uses of stock points and sections.
  3. Custody and issue of stationery of U.S.Rs and stores accounting forms and reconciling the data entered with stationery issued.
  4. Reconciliation of materials accounts and communication with Divisions/Sections regarding unreconciled balances and effecting rectifications.
  5. Ensuring implementation of stock valuation procedures for closing stocks and for stocks issued to works and consumption.
  6. Preparation and submission of MIS reports and exception statements.


Deputy General Manager Cash & Bank

  1. Arrange cash disbursements against bills passed by competent authority for cash payment.
  2. Arrange preparation of cheques/DDs against bills passed by competent authority.
  3. Anticipate and keep adequate cash balance required for day to day cash disbursements of Board Office.
  4. Arrange transfer of funds to division on the basis of bills passed by competent authority.
  5. Monitor bank balances in the collection accounts of the collection centers and ensure transfer of funds to central account.
  6. Arrange investment of surplus funds.
  7. Preparation of cash flow statements and forecasts for proper cash planning.
  8. Physical custody of cash (joint custody with cashier), securities, fixed deposits, bank guarantees etc.
  9. Arranging bank guarantees, LOCs required by the HMWSSB.
  10. Arranging for receipt and acknowledgement of cash and bank remittances to the HMWSSB.
  11. Ensure proper accountable of receipts and payments.
  12. Daily physical verification of cash balances at Board Office.

Deputy General Manager - Division Accounts

  1. Arranging checking of 100% vouchers received from Division with cash book extracts.
  2. Arranging checking and rectifications of classifications of vouchers received.
  3. Ensure timely receipt of cash book extracts and vouchers from divisions.
  4. Communication of observations to divisions ensure non-repetition of mistakes.
  5. Arrange data entry of divisions accounts. Check listing, comparisons and rectifications.
  6. Reconciliations with materials accounts and project accounts.
  7. Collection of HO and divisions bank statements, data entry and reconciliations, including action on unreconciled accounts.
  8. Preparation of monthly division wise accounts(balance sheets, income and expenditure a/c. funds flow statements etc.
  9. Forwarding printed books of account and monthly accounts to divisions at specified intervals.
  10. Final accounts entries like provisions, capitalizations and related work for annual accounts in respect of divisions.
  11. Dealing with statutory, internal and Government auditors with the help of the accounts staff at divisions with regard to divisions accounts.
  12. Furnishing adhoc information to various levels of management relating to divisions' accounts.
  13. Cost statements of processing water at various stages.
  14. Conduct post audit (random 30% exceeding Rs. 1000/- each) of the vouchers received from divisions.


Deputy General Manager-Final Accounts

  1. Ensuring on day to day basis the accounting all transactions arising in Board Office, which include transactions relating to all capital works, World Bank Project, and Circle Offices, purchase of materials etc.
  2. Inter divisional and HO-Division reconciliations.
  3. Monthly finalization of Board's consolidated accounts i.e.Balance Sheets, I & E Account and Funds flow statements.
  4. Maintenance of Scheme-Wise accounts, including preparation of monthly accounts(Balance Sheets, I & E Account and Funds Flow Statements).
  5. Maintenance of all sub ledgers.
  6. Regular ledger review of all accounts and sub ledger to ensure quality of accounting and effecting necessary rectifications.
  7. Annual finalization of accounts.
  8. Dealing with statutory, internal and Government auditors with regards to maintenance and finalization of accounts.
  9. Providing adhoc information to various levels of management regarding the accounts of the Board etc.
  10. Maintenance of Deposit-Wise accounts (including ODA) and providing weekly and adhoc information to the circle and Division offices.


Deputy General Manager-Revenue Accounts


  • Collection of data from collection counters twice in a week and incorporation in the common data base.
  • Arrange for checking of cash collections counterwise with remittances in the banks.
  • Preparation of consolidated revenue accounts including ledgers, demands, debtors statements.
  • Quantitative billing analysis and reconciliations.
  • Preparation and submission of analyzed divisions reports to CGMs, Directors and Managing Director.
  • Preparation of inspection schedules for ZIS and monitoring the same.
  • Monitoring collection of dues from major consumers and pursuing divisions for collections and demands.
  • Collection of collection counters' bank accounts statements(48 Banks), arranging data entry, computerized reconciliations and floppy feed back to collection counters systems.
  • Prompt reporting to the management of any deviations for the norms of demand, collection, billing and balances and of any abnormalities.

Deputy General Manager-Budget & MIS


  • Coordinate preparation of Budget of the Board and consolidate for presentation to and for approval of the Board and Government.
  • Give all technical and professional assistance to other departments for preparation of the Budget.
  • As a budget preparation exercise, identify the key factors and circulate guidance note and for use of line functions.
  • Coordinate, collect consolidate and present plan and non-plan budget proposals to the Government(annual and five year plans).
  • Periodical returns/reports to government regarding receipts and utilization of government funds under plan and non-plan schemes.
  • Provide various levels of management(Board, MD, Directors, CGMs & GMs) information regarding deviations from Budgets, forewarn and advise wherever necessary as to the corrective actions.
  • Prepare and provide various MIS reports to management at various levels(in respect of areas net covered by specific departments).
  • Dealing with government departments in connection with budget proposals, approvals, release of funds, clarifications reg.
  • Debt service covering institutional and government loans.
  • Undertake studies for cost reduction in different areas/improvement of revenues.
  • Advise management on major investment decisions.
  • Ensure adherence to budget provisions by regulating financial concurrences.

Deputy General Manager-Pre Audit


  • Scrutiny of contractors/suppliers and other bills/claims for payment with reference to the sanctions, agreements/purchase order/work orders received and passing(or proposing for passing as the case may be)for payment, subject to the prescribed financial procedures and applicable statutory provisions.
  • To supervise the work of accountants to ensure appropriate arithmetical checks are conducted.
  • To ensure that claims are processed in the order of receipt of claims.
  • Watch currency of bank guarantees received and take timely action for renewal or otherwise.

Deputy General Manager-Pay Roll


  • Organize(Computerized)preparation of monthly salary bills of employees and passing the bills for payment.
  • Organize preparation of supplementary staff bills and passing for payment.
  • Scrutinizing and passing claims for staff advances after checking the sanctions, eligibility and budget provisions.
  • Forwarding of acquittance sheets and cheques to the division officers for disbursement of salaries and ensure collection of acquittance sheets.

30. Who has the power to deal with the difficulties while implementing this act?


  1. Making audit programmers for development of audit parties to ensure adequate coverage of all operations uniformly.
  2. Process audit reports received from the audit parties, purse replies, process replies and prepare Final Reports for management.
  3. Collect replies to A.G's audit Reports from various officers, examine and furnish final replies to A.G.
  4. Deal with matters relating to A.G.audit and PAC.
  5. To conduct internal audit in accordance with internal audit manual and per program given by the General Manager(Internal Audit) and furnish his observations in the form of Internal Audit Reports.
  6. To take up special investigations as when required and report the results thereof.


General Manager-EDP


  1. To provide professional and administrative leadership in the area of EDP.
  2. To take charge of servicing and maintenance of all the computer hardware in use at the Board.
  3. To procure and maintain the application software, to meet the needs of all the user departments.
  4. To ascertain the needs for automation and arrange for procurement or preparation of the received hardware or software.
  5. To arrange and coordinate training of users in automation, computerization, base of application software and packaged software.
  6. To undertake overall system study, deployment of develop manpower and supervision.
  7. To prescribe methods for collection and compilation of data from all departments and process it according to requirements of the user departments.
  8. To undertake formatting and preparation of reports as requisitioned by user departments.
  9. To ensure effective decision support of information system through computerization of data on operations
  10. To prescribe methods for collection of data and compilation of personnel dockets.
  11. To undertake collection of data pertaining to properties, lands, assets etc., of the Board and develop up-to-date inventories.
  12. To develop appropriate systems for office procedures, monitoring of correspondence, documentation of records.
  13. To assist the Board in designing, developing and implementing appropriate data processing systems for effective management control.
  14. To initiate administrative measures for computation of various functions.
  15. To assist the engineering group in developing process charts, flow charts and application of modem technicians on designs, simulations etc.


Deputy General Manager-EDP


  1. To assist the general manager in collecting and processing of the data.
  2. To undertake data formatting as per the requirements of user departments.
  3. To assist general manager in the preparation of reports, compatible with user requirements.
  4. To assist in the implementation of decision support information system.
  5. To undertake collection, data processing and compilation of data on personnel components.
  6. To undertake collection of data pertaining to properties, lands, assets etc., of the Board and prepare up-to-date in entries.
  7. To assist various departments in the implementation of computerization and retrieval.
  8. To assist the general manager in designing, developing and implementing appropriate data processing systems for effective management control.
  9. To assist in maintaining the computer hardware as per the specifications.
  10. To assist in the implementation of measure for computerization in various departments.


Programmer -EDP


  • To assist the management in systems analysis of projects.
  • To assist the systems analyst in the maintenance of all the computer hardware.
  • To assist system analyst in the updating the data.
  • To assist in preparing programs according to the specifications of modules entrusted.
  • To assist in undertaking designing and rectification of the programs to meet the specification.
  • To update and maintain exiting programs by making appropriate changes as required to meet the need of the user departments.
  • To undertake console operation for LAN file and print.
  • To write reliable programs and utilize them affectively.
  • To create programs which are portable, easy to change or modify and readable.
  • To assist in storage, retrieval, computerization and integration of data.
  • To assist in planning for solution to a given problems.
  • To develop the methods of solution with suitable aids.
  • To assist in testing the programs and to ensure accurate transcription thereof.
  • To undertake documentation of the programs for maintenance and modification.
  • To assist the EDP department in all its ventures in data processing.

Director - Personnel


  • To assist he Board in designing, developing and implementing appropriate structures, polices and procedures for effective utilization of the available manpower.
  • To provide professional and administrative leadership in the area of personnel Management.
  • To initiate organizational studies on the following elements with a view to identify problems as well as effective solutions.
    • Man power planning.
    • Recruitment and selection.
    • Training
    • Promotions and career Advancements.
    • compensation and Incentive packages and terminal packages and terminal benefits.
    • performance appraisals
    • Employee welfare and Industrial relations.
    • safety, Security and Vigilance.
    • Public relations.
    • Service regulations including implementation of statutory provisions.
  • To take charge of the preparation of agenda for board meetings ensure recording of minutes and follow up action as per the direction of Managing Director.
  • To undertake formulation/modification of service regulations, submission to the Board for approval, and the follow up action for implementation-preparation and circulation of standing orders.
  • To take direct charge of representing the Board at conciliation proceedings, labour courts and any other statutory authorities to safeguard the legal/corporate interests of the board.
  • To ensure effective implementation of process and procedures in servicing the relevant provisions of various statues, such as Trade Union Act, Industrial disputes Act etc.
  • To initiate administrative measures for extension of medical and health services to the employees and constitution of medical advisory Committees
  • To undertake planning format designing and cause collection, analysis and interpretation of personnel data to facilitate effective management control.
  • To undertake formulation of detailed rules and procedures and standing orders for the application of service regulations.
  • To search and secure appropriate training methods and machinery for enhancing staff competencies, develop training calenders in consultation with the heads of Engineering, Finance, projects, Operations & Maintenance, Survey & Investigation, Staff Offices, Vigilance, Security and public Relations Department, and ensure optimum utilization of training resources.
  • To take lead in establishing organizational support with the following Departments/Agencies on relevant subjects.
    • General Administration Dept., GOAP.
    • Finance & Planning Dept., GOAP.
    • Commissionarate of public Enterprise, GOAP.
    • P.H.E.D.-GOAP.
    • Department of Law-GOAP.
    • Inspectorate of Factories-GOAP.
    • Police & Fire Services.
    • Departments of Labour & Industries-GOAP.
    • Institutions of higher learning and training in the neighbourhood.
  • To undertake periodic review of available training material and initiate measures for upgradation/modification in consultation with the Heads of other Departments.
  • To establish a sector specific library exclusively for the use of the boards personnel.
  • To cause preparation of annual budgets/revised estimates pertaining to personnel segment by the down the line units, arrange for integration and approval at the Board level.
  • To enunciate procedures for periodic meetings on employee welfare and ensure compliance by the concerned and monitor the follow up action.
  • To cause preparation of inventories of the assets of the Board such as, lands, buildings, housing stock etc.
  • To undertake the implementation of the board's policy on public relations and consumer grievances.
  • To evolve procedures on the maintenance of Security and safety of the Boards personnel and properties.
  • To undertake liaison work with the local police and the Administration in times of local distribution.
  • To facilitate all round awareness on the methods for fire fighting, first aids and accident prevention.

Chief General Manager - Personal & Training


  • To assist the Director(p) in formulating personnel training policies.
  • To cause preparation of manuals on service regulations for facilitating effective implementation of personnel policy.
  • To cause preparation of standing orders to guide the officers and employees in carrying out respective duties and responsibilities and ensure easy access to them by all the concerned.
  • To develop and update the data base on the following elements of personnel management in the Boar
    • Man power inventories including employee turnover.
    • Salaries and wage structures.
    • Employee training inventories and calenders .
    • Manpower distribution-by cadre sanctioned strength and actuals.
    • Implementation of performance appraisals as well as individual performance summaries.
    • Status of implementation of measures on employee welfare and social security.
    • Disciplinary proceedings limitation and redressal of grievances.
    • Sanctions on gratuities, pensions and other terminal benefits.
    • Promotions, empaneling and implementation of relevant schemes.
    • Medical and Health Service coverage.
    • Accidents
    • Housing & Estate management.
  • To undertake liaison activities for building rapport with
    • General Administration Dept GOAP
    • Labour & Law Departments GOAP
    • Inspectors of factories GOAP
    • Information & public Relations GOAP
    • Commissioner of public enterprises GOAP
    • Public Health, Engineering Dept. GOAP
    • Board of technical/vocational edn. GOAP
    • Police department
    • Any other agency/Dept as identified by the Director(p)
  • To monitor the progress of proceedings involving the board, pending in Courts, tribunals and other statutory agencies.
  • To ensure implantation of pertinent provisions under T.U.Act I.D.Act and other labour laws.
  • To undertake constitution of medical advisory Committees, arrange for documentation indexing and retrieval at call of the proceedings thereof.
  • To take initiative in regard to procurement of books, journals and magazines and servicing the boards membership in professional associations.
  • To ensure compliance with the schedules for budget preparation revision, preparation revised estimates pertaining to personnel functions submission for approval, by all the units down the line.
  • To undertake scheduling of welfare meetings and ensure compliance by the units down the line, ensure follow up action on the minutes of the meetings held.
  • To organize awareness improvement programs on fire accidents, hazards, safety and first aid.
  • To organize consumer contact programs and public relations campaigns.
  • To assist the Director (personnel) in the preparation of agenda for board meetings and follow up action on the minutes of the meetings.
  • To convene the meeting of Training Coordination Committee.Prepare agenda for discussions and record the minutes thereof.
  • To prepare training calendars and develop deputation programs.
  • To develop organizable linkages with institution of higher learning in the neighbourhood.outside the city, and the country.
  • To undertake scientific assessment of availability, adequacy and cost of using the existing resources.
  • To develop a training need inventory.
  • To develop training capsules for in-house training.
  • To arrange for effective utilization of training facilities available in the Boards Training Center.
  • To undertake preparation of lists of resource persons in regard to subjects relates to training programs.
  • To develop methods for identifying and developing in-house training capabilities.

General Manager - Administration


  1. To undertake collection and computation of pertinent data on the following:
    • Man Power status: UnitWise, Cadre wise, Sanctioned strength, available strength, noneffective strength-leave sickness, training etc, personal records of employees etc. career details.
    • Job/Work experience profiles.
    • Training profiles.
    • DCRG/Pension/PF/Dossiers.
    • Disbursement of various benefits.
    • Performance appraisal-Calender.
    • Wage & Salary Structures.
    • Medical & Health service-coverage.
    • Annual budgets and revised estimates on personnel.
    • Maintenance pertaining to budgets & office expenses.
  2. To undertake preparation of reports/notes on the data either employee specific or organization specific as requisitioned by the CGM/Director (Per).
  3. To ensure effective communication of service rules, regulations and pertinent orders to the employees.
  4. To undertake compilation of employment statistics under statutory obligations.
  5. To undertake preliminary discussions on the employee demands, grievances and welfare measures, with a view to define issue and problems, develop agenda for discussion at higher levels, schedule the meetings, record minutes and implement the follow up action.
  6. To undertake preparation of agenda and notes pertinent to discussions with conciliation authorities or presentation to tribunals or courts.
  7. To monitor the progress of disciplinary proceedings, in various subordinate units-prepare periodic progress reports.
  8. To arrange for nominations/deputation of employees to various training programs arranged by the HMWSSB Staff Training Center.
  9. To undertake preparation of training literature and ensure effective operation of the reprographic service.
  10. To undertake preparation of inventories of the properties, lands and other assets of the Board.
  11. To undertake measures for enhancing support with the public-through periodic issue of status notes, organizing consumer meets, and service improvement campaigns.
  12. To monitor the implementation of procedures pertaining to security, safety and fire prevention/fire fighting, safe custody of locks and keys,Watch & ward conservancy services, remittances to Telecom Department, on Telephones, Fax Machines and Tele Printers.
  13. To develop organizational links with the police and local administration and initiate appropriate procedure for advance notification of contingencies-such as flood relieves delay/breakdown of water supply service.
  14. To undertake defining, drafting and communication of Office procedure, on correspondence, filling systems, record keeping, monitoring and disposal of cases, referencing and reporting.
  15. To undertake preparation of servicing schedules pertaining to office equipment, and ensure compliance thereto.


Deputy General Manager-Staff Welfare


  1. To implement the rules and regulations on Medial& Health Services.
  2. To implement rules and regulations pertaining to prevention of fire hazards and adoption of safety and security measures.
  3. To convene periodic meetings and negotiations with employees and record minutes.
  4. To implement procedures for receiving and disposal of the employees.
  5. To implement rules and regulations on welfare measures, terminal benefits and other compensation benefits.


Deputy General Manager-Public Relations


  • To develop rapport with public and media services.
  • To maintain liaison with local police and administration in times of emergency.
  • To bring out a house journal highlighting the activities of the Board.
  • To assist the management in organizing important functions and seminars.
  • To arrange for press and other media meets.
  • To organize customers meets and provide feed back to management.

Deputy General Manager-Law


  1. To implement the approved service rules and regulations.
  2. To prepare appropriate briefs for presentation before various conciliation officers and labour courts, et.
  3. To implement procedures prescribed for the purpose of giving effect to various provisions of Trade Union Act, I.D.At and other statutory labour laws.
  4. To implement the board's rules and regulations on wage ad salary administration.
  5. To implement rules and regulations pertaining to safeguarding the legal interests of the Board.
  6. To implement the measures formulated on security and safety of structures, plants and equipment.
  7. To assist the higher authorities in preparation of agenda as well as minutes of the Board meetings and sub-committee meetings.


Deputy General Manager- Administration


  • To implement methods and procedures for collection of data in the areas of manpower planning, recruitment, training, promotion, performance appraisal.
  • To retrieve data and organize the same for evolving an effective action plans.
  • To maintain personal records and retrieval of information.
  • To implement the Board's training calendars.
  • To maintain the Board's training calendars.
  • To assist GM in preparation of annual budgets and revised estimates.

Deputy General Manager-Industrial Relations


  1. To maintain cordial Industrial Relations.
  2. To keep the management in conducting negotiations with various Employees/workers Unions.
  3. Follow up action on the implementation of memorandum of understanding between Management and Unions.
  4. Resolving Inter-Union disputes.
  5. Redressal of grievances of various Employees Association and Work Unions.
  6. To ensure that the policies and programs of the management are properly communicated to various Associations and Unions.


Deputy General Manager(P&A)-Estates


  1. To maintain an inventory of all the properties(both movable and immovable) of the board.
  2. He will maintain close liaison with Revenue and Survey Department Officials in Hyderabad, Ranga Reddy and Medak Districts and help accelerate the pending land acquisition alienation and encroachment cases whenever reported or brought to his notice.
  3. He will tender necessary advice whenever sought by the Finance and Engineering Wings in the matters relating to land acquisition particularly providing of funds in acquisition cases.
  4. The Estate Officer, H.M.W.S.& S.B.Hyderabad will attend to such duties as are entrusted to him by the Managing Director.


Deputy General Manager(P&A)-Pensions


  1. Interpretation and implementation of pension payment rules.
  2. To ensure that the retiring employees submit their pension papers well in advance as per rules.
  3. Sanction of pension, D.G.R.G and family pension of all categories of Employees and workers.
  4. Sanction of commutation of pensions.
  5. Sanction of anticipated pensions(wherever applicable)
  6. Maintenance of the following Registers.
    • Register of pension payment orders.
    • Register of payment of D.C.R.G
    • Register of payment of anticipated pensions.
    • Register of payment of commutated pension.
    • Register of payment of Family pension


Senior Officer-Staff Welfare



Senior Officer-Public Relations


  • To assist the management in implementing the Board's rules and procedures for developing rapport with public and media services.
  • To maintain liaison with local police and administration in times of emergency.
  • To assist the management in bringing out a House Journal highlighting the activities of the Board.
  • To assist the management in implementing the Board's Rules and Regulations on Wage & Salary Administration and termination benefits.
  • To assist the management in implementing the rules and regulation pertaining to safeguarding the legal interests of the Board.
  • To assist the management in implementing the measures formulated by the board for security and safety of structures, plants and equipment.
  • To assist the higher authorities in preparation of agenda as well as minutes of the Board meetings and sub-committee meetings.

Senior Officer-Administration


  1. To assist the management in implementing the approved service rules and regulations.
  2. To prepare appropriate briefs for the management, for appearance before various conciliation officers and labour courts.
  3. To assist the management in implementing the procedures for the purpose of giving effect to various provisions of trade union act, I.D.Act and other statutory labour laws.
  4. To assist the management in implementing the Board's rules and regulations on wage and salary administration and termination benefits.
  5. To assist the management in implementing the rules and regulations pertaining to safeguarding the legal interests of the board.
  6. To assist the management to implement the measures formulated by the board for security and safety of structures, plants and equipment.
  7. To assist the higher authorities in preparation of agenda as well as minutes of the Board meetings and subcommittee meetings.


Senior Officer Industrial Relations


  • To assist the management in implementing the rules and regulations and procedures prescribe by the Board in the areas of man power planning, recruitment, training, promotion, performance appraisal.
  • To assist the management in collecting data for evolving an effective MIS.
  • To maintain up-to-data formats for maintenance of personal records and retrieval of information.
  • To effectively implement the training calender formulated by the Board.
  • To maintain liaison with training/research agencies for upgradation of training material as well as methodologies.
  • To assist in the preparation of Annual Budgets and revised estimate



  1. To assist the management in implementing the rules and regulations and procedures and collection of data in the areas of man power planning.recruitment, training, promotion, performance appraisal.
  2. To assist the management in collecting data for evolving an effective MIS.
  3. To assist the management in implementing the training up-to-data formats for maintenance of personal records and retrieval of information.
  4. To assist the management in implementing the training calender formulated by the Board.
  5. To assist the management in the preparation of Annual Budgets and revised estimate




  1. To assist the Senior Officer in the implementation of rules/regulation pertaining to personnel administration.
  2. To assist the management in collections of data for effective LPMIS.
  3. To maintain up-to-data personnel records.
  4. To assist in implementing training calender.
  5. To assist in maintaining and preparing annual and revised budgets.
  6. To assist in adoption of safety and security measures.
  7. To assist in conducting periodic meeting and negotiations with employees.
  8. To assist in receiving and disposal of grievances of employees.
  9. To assist in implementation of rules and regulation on labour welfare measures terminal benefits, health and medical services.




  • To undertake periodic visits by schedule to the premises of domestic and commercial consumers and record the meter readings.
  • To prepare consolidated list of meter readings for submissions to Senior Officer-incharge.
  • To detect faults in meter operation and initiate follow up action in bringing in to the notice of the consumer.
  • To identify scope for pollution in and around meter and report to Senior Officer/Consumer.
  • To undertake serving of bills to the consumers.

HMWSSB Subordinate Services:


Senior Grade Assistant - Finance & Accounts


Senior Grade Assistant - Personnel & Administration


  1. To undertake inspection of meters.
  2. To undertake brand operation.
  3. To assist in library maintenance.
  4. To assist in personnel administration.

Assistant (Secretarial) - Personnel & Administration

  1. To take dictation and assist in maintenance of files.
  2. To assist in telephonic and other communications.
  3. To assist the senior in taking dictation and typing it on time.
  4. To assist in official correspondence and filing etc.

Assistant (Typing) - Personnel & Administration

  1. To type on time with maximum speed and minimum mistakes.
  2. To assist in filing the correspondence.
  3. To assist in communication through telephone etc.

General Purpose Employee:

All types of manual work not requiring any special training or aptitude and independent judgment.The tasks under the category are simple and entail physical labour of varying intensities. Operations pertaining to Excavation, De-watering, De-silting, Assisting the skilled workers in carrying, handling, loading, stacking of materials, tools and equipments, general purpose cleaning including machines, tools, equipments, pipelines, couplings, water meters, filters and valves etc. Dusting, sweeping, washing and conservancy. Gardening, manuring, spraying and dusting of pesticides etc.cleaning, preparing testware, waste disposal and general assistance to lab technicians. Cleaning of vessels, crockery and other kitchen equipment, linen washing and door keeping and attending to office errands. Performing the relevant technical functions in the work-shop, assisting the skilled worker in operation of valves and cleaning of water pumps. Watch and ward(day & night) not requiring the use of fire arms. Receiving Telephone calls and paging, carrying files, notes, books, tappal bags and couriering etc.

Water Supply:

Senior Grade Technician-Mech./Ele./Civil


Senior Grade TechnicianJob Description
1) Mechanical To guide, monitor and control various categories of technical staff in performance of highly skilled level of work. To undertake operations and maintenance of laying, jointing, testing of pipelines and sewers including specials, valves meters etc. To undertake operations and maintenance pertaining to filter beds, valves, flash mixers, floculator/clarifier machinery and alum mixing machinery, wash water pumpsets, flow meters, pressure gauges and chlorination equipment. To undertake maintenance of cranes Air Tech machines, sewer cleaning bucket machines, tackles, winches and hoists. To undertake operation and maintenance of welding machines and accessories and Oxygen cutting, torches. To undertake operation and maintenance of hand tools for drilling, threading, fitting, pipe bending, maintenance of log book.
2) Electrical To undertake recording and mounting, removal, dismantling, repairing, servicing and reassembly of switches, switchgears, starter, motors, blowers, generators, compressors, battery charge equipment. To undertake preparation of layout diagrams for domestic and industrial wiring energizing low and medium voltage machines control panels as per I.E.rules. To undertake installations, wiring, testing, fault finding and rectification and connecting industrial and street light fittings. To undertake operation and maintenance pertaining to transformers, boosters, fault rectification, join HV underground cables, drawing over head service lines, to undertake operation and maintenance of meggers, insulation testers, continuity testers, frequency meters, power factor meters, meters. To undertake operation and maintenance of fire fighting and first aid kits.
3) Civil 1.To guide, monitor and control various categories of technical staff.
2.To maintain check lists on progress of work and quality control.
3.To collect samples of water/waste water analyze for residual chlorine.
4.To undertake maintenance of records, submission of returns and accounts.
5.To assist the manager in preparation and scrutiny of estimates.
6.To undertake preparation and scrutinizing plans.
7.To undertake drafting of Notice inviting tenders.
8.To undertake preparation of tender documents and comparison statements.
9.To obtain and submit progress reports.
10.To verify flow calculations of water supply and sewerage connections.
11.To handle miscellaneous correspondence.
12.To maintain and index the stock file on technical matters.
13.To collect annual schedule of reports.
14.To obtain DGSD, PH & PR rate contract.
15.To monitor receipt of FNPRs from Managers/DGMs.
16.To maintain personal registers.
4) Assistant - P&A To undertake maintenance of personal registers, stock files, case files, incumbency registers, sanctions of posts, increments, performance appraisal reports, service rules, register of service, data of personnel, examination cases quoting precedents where available, application of rule, detection of case violation rules and regulations, assisting the officer in collection of data, pension papers, pension claims, GPF, gratuity, and other claim, maintenance of register of legal cases, follow up action on legal cases, contacting Board's legal advisor to furnish data of legal cases, assist officer in furnishing data for Board's agenda follow up action.
5) Assistant - Accounts To undertake maintenance of cash, maintenance of cash and bank books, ledgers, remittance and withdrawal of cash, monthly trial balance, balance sheets, schedules income and expenditure accounts, cash flow statements, funds flow statements, and other schedule of accounts preparation and closing of monthly/annual accounts preparation and monitoring of board budget, government budget, submission of requisition of funds to Board Office, Pre-audit of bills, management information reports, audit reports, maintenance of cost records, cost accounts through Computers or manual as prescribed from time to time.
6) Assistant - METERING 1.To undertake periodic visits by schedule to premises of domestic/commercial consumers. 2.To prepare consolidated lists of meter readings for submission to manager in-charge. 3.To detect faults in meter operation. 4.To identify scope for pollution in and around of meter and report to manager in-charge.

Assistant-P & A/Accounts/Metering


Senior Grade TechnicianJob Description
1) Mechanical To guide, monitor and control various categories of technical staff in performance of highly skilled level of work. To undertake operations and maintenance of laying, jointing, testing of pipelines and sewers including specials, valves meters etc. To undertake operations and maintenance pertaining to filter beds, valves, flash mixers, floculator/clarifier machinery and alum mixing machinery, wash water pumpsets, flow meters, pressure gauges and chlorination equipment. To undertake maintenance of cranes Air Tech machines, sewer cleaning bucket machines, tackles, winches and hoists. To undertake operation and maintenance of welding machines and accessories and Oxygen cutting, torches. To undertake operation and maintenance of hand tools for drilling, threading, fitting, pipe bending, maintenance of log book.
2) Electrical To undertake recording and mounting, removal, dismantling, repairing, servicing and reassembly of switches, switchgears, starter, motors, blowers, generators, compressors, battery charge equipment. To undertake preparation of layout diagrams for domestic and industrial wiring energizing low and medium voltage machines control panels as per I.E.rules. To undertake installations, wiring, testing, fault finding and rectification and connecting industrial and street light fittings. To undertake operation and maintenance pertaining to transformers, boosters, fault rectification, join HV underground cables, drawing over head service lines, to undertake operation and maintenance of meggers, insulation testers, continuity testers, frequency meters, power factor meters, meters. To undertake operation and maintenance of fire fighting and first aid kits. To undertake maintenance of log book and to undertake operation and maintenance of wireless equipments, receipt and transmission of messages, detection of minor faults and rectification, operation of fax machine.
3) Civil
  1. To guide, monitor and control various categories of technical staff.
  2. To maintain check lists on progress of work and quality control.
  3. To collect samples of water/waste water analyze for residual chlorine.
  4. To undertake maintenance of records, submission of returns and accounts.
  5. To assist the manager in preparation and scrutiny of estimates.
  6. To undertake preparation and scrutinizing plans.
  7. To undertake drafting of Notice inviting tenders.
  8. To undertake preparation of tender documents and comparison statements.
  9. To obtain and submit progress reports.
  10. To verify flow calculations of water supply and sewerage connections.
  11. To handle miscellaneous correspondence.
  12. To maintain and index the stock file on technical matters.
  13. To collect annual schedule of reports.
  14. To obtain DGSD, PH & PR rate contract.
  15. To monitor receipt of FNPRs from Managers/DGMs.
  16. To maintain personal registers.
4) Transport To drive heavy vehicle.operating crane, Air Tech Machine, JCB Excavator, Forklift, Tippers and Dumpers, Road rollers, paver guarder.
5) Assistant - P& A Attending to routine work such as maintenance of stationary register, T & P, Receipt and Dispatch of tappal, typing, stock files, including stenography wherever prescribed, feeding of data into the computers and retrieval, word processing, spread sheet work, disposal of routine papers such as issuing remainders, maintenance call books, personal registers, record room, storage retrieval of records from the main record room, maintenance of other registers and other works as instructed by the supervisory officer.
6) Assistant - Accounts Maintenance of ledgers and maintenance of sub ledgers, preparation of schedules from sub-ledgers and reconciliation thereof with control accounts in general ledger, trial balance, bank reconciliations, assisting in passing journal entries, maintenance of journals, preparation of staff claims, pre-audit of claims for payment, reconciliation with material accounts, preparation of accounts, maintenance of petty cash, maintenance of bank cash books and preparation of cheques. Maintenance of inward and outward, personal registers, data entry of accounts, computer operations for accounts, printing ledger books and other statements in computers.
7) Assistant - Metering To schedule and undertake periodic visits of the premises of domestic category of consumers and record the meter. To prepare a consolidated list of consumer wise readings and submit to the manager in charge. To detect faults in domestic water meter. To identify scope for pollution in and around meter and report to the manager.


30. Who has the power to deal with the difficulties while implementing this act?


Senior Grade TechnicianJob Description
1) Mechanical To guide, monitor and control various categories of technical staff in performance of highly skilled level of work. To undertake operations and maintenance of laying, jointing, testing of pipelines and sewers including specials, valves meters etc. To undertake operations and maintenance pertaining to filter beds, valves, flash mixers, floculator/clarifier machinery and alum mixing machinery, wash water pumpsets, flow meters, pressure gauges and chlorination equipment. To undertake maintenance of cranes Air Tech machines, sewer cleaning bucket machines, tackles, winches and hoists. To undertake operation and maintenance of welding machines and accessories and Oxygen cutting, torches. To undertake operation and maintenance of hand tools for drilling, threading, fitting, pipe bending, maintenance of log book.
2) Electrical To undertake recording and mounting, removal, dismantling, repairing, servicing and reassembly of switches, switchgears, starter, motors, blowers, generators, compressors, battery charge equipment. To undertake preparation of layout diagrams for domestic and industrial wiring energizing low and medium voltage machines control panels as per I.E.rules. To undertake installations, wiring, testing, fault finding and rectification and connecting industrial and street light fittings. To undertake operation and maintenance pertaining to transformers, boosters, fault rectification, join HV underground cables, drawing over head service lines, to undertake operation and maintenance of meggers, insulation testers, continuity testers, frequency meters, power factor meters, meters. To undertake operation and maintenance of fire fighting and first aid kits. To undertake maintenance of log book and to undertake operation and maintenance of wireless equipments, receipt and transmission of messages, detection of minor faults and rectification, operation of fax machine.
3) Civil
  1. To guide, monitor and control various categories of technical staff.
  2. To maintain check lists on progress of work and quality control.
  3. To collect samples of water/waste water analyze for residual chlorine.
  4. To undertake maintenance of records, submission of returns and accounts.
  5. To assist the manager in preparation and scrutiny of estimates.
  6. To undertake preparation and scrutinizing plans.
  7. To undertake drafting of Notice inviting tenders.
  8. To undertake preparation of tender documents and comparison statements.
  9. To obtain and submit progress reports.
  10. To verify flow calculations of water supply and sewerage connections.
  11. To handle miscellaneous correspondence.
  12. To maintain and index the stock file on technical matters.
  13. To collect annual schedule of reports.
  14. To obtain DGSD, PH & PR rate contract.
  15. To monitor receipt of FNPRs from Managers/DGMs.
  16. To maintain personal registers.
4) Transport To drive heavy vehicle.operating crane, Air Tech Machine, JCB Excavator, Forklift, Tippers and Dumpers, Road rollers, paver guarder.
5) Assistant – P& A Attending to routine work such as maintenance of stationary register, T & P, Receipt and Dispatch of tappal, typing, stock files, including stenography wherever prescribed, feeding of data into the computers and retrieval, word processing, spread sheet work, disposal of routine papers such as issuing remainders, maintenance call books, personal registers, record room, storage retrieval of records from the main record room, maintenance of other registers and other works as instructed by the supervisory officer.
6) Assistant – METERING Maintenance of ledgers and maintenance of sub ledgers, preparation of schedules from sub–ledgers and reconciliation thereof with control accounts in general ledger, trial balance, bank reconciliations, assisting in passing journal entries, maintenance of journals, preparation of staff claims, pre–audit of claims for payment, reconciliation with material accounts, preparation of accounts, maintenance of petty cash, maintenance of bank cash books and preparation of cheques. Maintenance of inward and outward, personal registers, data entry of accounts, computer operations for accounts, printing ledger books and other statements in computers.
7) Assistant – Metering To schedule and undertake periodic visits of the premises of domestic category of consumers and record the meter. To prepare a consolidated list of consumer wise readings and submit to the manager in charge. To detect faults in domestic water meter. To identify scope for pollution in and around meter and report to the manager.


Assistant-P & A/Accounts/Metering


Senior GradeJob Description
1) Mechanical To guide, monitor and control various categories of technical staff in performance of highly skilled level of work. To undertake operations and maintenance of laying, jointing, testing of pipelines and sewers including specials, valves meters etc. To undertake operations and maintenance pertaining to filter beds, valves, flash mixers, floculator/clarifier machinery and alum mixing machinery, wash water pumpsets, flow meters, pressure gauges and chlorination equipment. To undertake maintenance of cranes Air Tech machines, sewer cleaning bucket machines, tackles, winches and hoists. To undertake operation and maintenance of welding machines and accessories and Oxygen cutting, torches. To undertake operation and maintenance of hand tools for drilling, threading, fitting, pipe bending, maintenance of log book.
2) Electrical To undertake recording and mounting, removal, dismantling, repairing, servicing and reassembly of switches, switchgears, starter, motors, blowers, generators, compressors, battery charge equipment. To undertake preparation of layout diagrams for domestic and industrial wiring energizing low and medium voltage machines control panels as per I.E.rules. To undertake installations, wiring, testing, fault finding and rectification and connecting industrial and street light fittings. To undertake operation and maintenance pertaining to transformers, boosters, fault rectification, join HV underground cables, drawing over head service lines, to undertake operation and maintenance of meggers, insulation testers, continuity testers, frequency meters, power factor meters, meters. To undertake operation and maintenance of fire fighting and first aid kits. To undertake maintenance of log book and to undertake operation and maintenance of wireless equipments, receipt and transmission of messages, detection of minor faults and rectification, operation of fax machine.
3) Civil
  1. To guide, monitor and control various categories of technical staff.
  2. To maintain check lists on progress of work and quality control.
  3. To collect samples of water/waste water analyze for residual chlorine.
  4. To undertake maintenance of records, submission of returns and accounts.
  5. To assist the manager in preparation and scrutiny of estimates.
  6. To undertake preparation and scrutinizing plans.
  7. To undertake drafting of Notice inviting tenders.
  8. To undertake preparation of tender documents and comparison statements.
  9. To obtain and submit progress reports.
  10. To verify flow calculations of water supply and sewerage connections.
  11. To handle miscellaneous correspondence.
  12. To maintain and index the stock file on technical matters.
  13. To collect annual schedule of reports.
  14. To obtain DGSD, PH & PR rate contract.
  15. To monitor receipt of FNPRs from Managers/DGMs.
  16. To maintain personal registers.
4) Assistant - P&A To undertake maintenance of personal registers, stock files, case files, incumbency registers, sanctions of posts, increments, performance appraisal reports, service rules, register of service, data of personnel, examination cases quoting precedents where available, application of rule, detection of case violation rules and regulations, assisting the officer in collection of data, pension papers, pension claims, GPF, gratuity, and other claim, maintenance of register of legal cases, follow up action on legal cases, contacting Board's legal advisor to furnish data of legal cases, assist officer in furnishing data for Board's agenda follow up action.
5) Assistant - Accounts To undertake maintenance of cash, maintenance of cash and bank books, ledgers, remittance and withdrawal of cash, monthly trial balance, balance sheets, schedules income and expenditure accounts, cash flow statements, funds flow statements, and other schedule of accounts preparation and closing of monthly/annual accounts preparation and monitoring of board budget, government budget, submission of requisition of funds to Board Office, Pre-audit of bills, management information reports, audit reports, maintenance of cost records, cost accounts through Computers or manual as prescribed from time to time.
6) Assistant - METERING
  1. To undertake periodic visits by schedule to premises of domestic/commercial consumers.
  2. To prepare consolidated lists of meter readings for submission to manager in-charge.
  3. To detect faults in meter operation.
  4. To identify scope for pollution in and around of meter and report to manager in-charge.


Technician Grade-II-Mech./Elec./Civil


GradeJob Description
1) Mechanical

This category consists of technician with capabilities of semi independent level of operations and maintenance in division.sub-division/section/workshops/projects and other places of work as needed arises.

To undertake operations and maintenance of laying, jointing, testing of pipelines and sewers including specials, valves, meters, etc. To undertake operations and maintenance pertaining to filter beds, valves, flash mixers, floculator/clarifier machinery and alum mixing machinery, wash water pumpsets, flow meters, pressure gauges and chlorination equipment. To undertake maintenance of cranes Air Tech machines, sewer cleaning bucket machines, tackles, winches and hoists etc.

To undertake operation and maintenance of fire fighting equipment and first aid kits. To undertake operation and maintenance of welding machines and accessories and Oxygen cutting, touches. To undertake operation and maintenance of hand tools for drilling, threading, fitting, pipe bending, maintenance of log book.

2) Electrical To undertake recording and mounting, removal, dismantling, repairing, servicing and reassembly of switches, switchgears, starter, motors, blowers, generators, compressors, battery charge equipment. To undertake preparation of layout diagrams for domestic and industrial wiring energizing low and medium voltage machines control panels as per I.E.rules. To undertake installations, wiring, testing, fault finding and rectification and connecting industrial and street light fittings. To undertake operation and maintenance pertaining to transformers, boosters, fault rectification, join HV underground cables, drawing over head service lines, to undertake operation and maintenance of meggers, insulation testers, continuity testers, frequency meters, power factor meters, meters. To undertake operation and maintenance of fire fighting and first aid kits. To undertake maintenance of log book and to undertake operation and maintenance of wireless equipments, receipt and transmission of messages, detection of minor faults and rectification, operation of fax machine.
3) Civil Supervision of civil works and assisting in preparation of works, accounts and other monthly returns, to carry out tracing pencil, indian ink, usage of stencils for lettering, collection of water sewerage samples and the samples for testing to determine the residual chlorine in the field. To help Lab technician in carrying out quality assurance tests, maintenance of registers. To undertake operation and maintenance of fire fighting equipment and first aid kits.
4) Transport To undertake driving light vehicles and its daily maintenance.


Special Purpose Employee


GradeJob Description
1) Mechanical

Work not requiring judgment but simple levels of mechanical ability and dexterity.

Assisting the technicians in carrying out sample operations pertaining to operation and maintenance of water pipe lines, sewers, valve cleaning, greasing and lubricating of pumps and motors, air tech machine, JCB borewells, fitting, smithy, welding, tinkering and mouldering, carpentry, and other works in workshop / Sections / Sub Divisions / Divisions.

2) Electrical Assisting the technicians and also carrying out operation of pumps, motors installation up to 440 volts.Operation of valves cleaning, greasing and Lubrication, changing of fuse on LT side, wiring connections at terminals, receiving of telephone calls at pumping installation contacting the APSEB fuse call office, maintenance of Log Book. First Aid, operation of fire fighting equipment, and other works in workshops /Sections / Sub-divisions / Divisions.
3) Civil Assisting the technicians and carrying out sample operations to operate and maintenance in cleaning, repairing, test ware, waste disposal. general assistance in the laboratories, carpentry, Masonry, painting, carrying of survey instruments, keeping of level staves, surveying and general assistance to surveyor, recording of water level, receiving registering and communicating messages.
B. Security Watch and ward activities (day and night) not requiring use of fire arms.
C. Office Services Receiving telephone calls, paging, carrying of files, notes. books, tappal bags, tappal Boxes, coureiring, record keeping operation of Blue print, xerox and Reneo machines and dorr keeping
D. House Keeping Utilities:cooking and maintenance of crockery and other kitchen equipment linen changing, attending to the guest requirements door keeping, gardening watering, grass cutting, mowing, manuring, spraying, of pesticides.




Senior Grade Technician-Mech./Ele./Civil


Senior Grade Technician - Civil
  1. To guide, monitor, control various categories of subordinate technical staff.
  2. To enquire on progress of work and quality control in accordance with the checklists.
  3. To undertake maintenance of records, submission of returns and accounts of sewerage.
  4. To undertake drafting of notice inviting tenders and preparation of tender documents/comparison statements.
  5. To submit progress reports on the work carried out.
  6. To verify the alignment of sewerage connections.
  7. To maintain and index stock file on technical matter pertaining to sewerage.
Senior Grade Technician - Electrical
  1. To undertake mounting, removal, dismantling, repairing, servicing and reassembly of switches, switchgears, starters, motors, blowers, generators, compressors and battery charge equipment.
  2. To undertake preparation of layout diagrams for domestic and industrial wiring energizing low and medium voltage machines, control panels as per I.E Rules.
  3. To undertake installation, wiring, testing, fault finding and rectification and connecting industrial and street light fittings.
  4. To undertake operation and maintenance pertaining to transformers, boosters, fault rectification, jointing of HV underground cables, drawing over head service lines.
  5. To undertake operation maintenance of meggers, insulation testers, continuity testers, frequency meters, power factor meters, meters.
  6. To undertake operations and maintenance of fire fighting and first aid kits.
  7. To undertake maintenance of log book and to undertake operation and maintenance of wireless equipments, receipt and transmission of messages, detection of minor faults and rectification, operation of fax machine.
Senior Grade Technician - Mechanical
  1. To guide, monitor and control the subordinate group of technical staff in performance of highly skilled level of work.
  2. To undertake operations and maintenance of laying, jointing and testing of sewers.
  3. To undertake operations and maintenance pertaining to sewerage cleaning equipment.
  4. To undertake maintenance of cranes, air tech machines, sewer cleaning bucket machines.
  5. To undertake operation and maintenance of welding machines and accessories.
  6. To undertake maintenance of hand tools and log book.


Technician Grade-I-Mech./Ele./Civil


Technician Grade-1 - Mechanical
  1. To assist Senior Grade Technician (Mech.) in undertaking operations and maintenance requiring skilled level of proficiency.
  2. To assist Senior Grade Technician (Mech.) in undertaking operations and maintenance of laying, jointing, testing of sewers.
  3. To undertake operations and maintenance with the guidance of Senior Grade Technician (Mech.) pertaining to sewerage cleaning equipment.
  4. To assist maintenance and operation and machines and accessories for sewerage operations.
  5. To assist in operation and maintenance of hand tools and log book .
Technician Grade-1 - Electrical
  1. To assist Senior Grade Technician (Mech.) in undertaking operations pertaining to maintenance of electrical equipment.
  2. To assist in preparing diagrams and layouts for industrial wiring.
  3. To assist in fault finding, rectification and connecting industrial and street light fittings.
  4. To assist in operation and maintenance of transformers, boosters etc.
  5. To assist operation and maintenance of all types of meters and fire fighting equipment.
  6. To assist in maintenance of log book, wireless equipment receipt and transmission of messages, minor fault detection operation of fax machines.
Technician Grade-1 - Civil
  1. To assist in monitoring and control of technical staff .
  2. To assist in maintenance of records, returns and accounts of sewerage .
  3. To assist in drafting tender notices, documents and comparative statements for sewerage.
  4. To assist the managers in maintaining and indexing stock file and sewerage technical matters.
  5. To maintain the prescribed registers in accordance with the instructions.


Technician Grade-II-Mech./Elec./Civil


Technician Grade-II - Mechanical
  1. To assist in operation and maintenance of sewer lines .
  2. To assist in maintenance of sewerage cleaning equipment.
  3. To assist in maintaining sewer cleaning bucket machines etc.
  4. To assist in operation and maintenance of fire fighting equipment .
  5. To assist in operation and maintenance of welding machines and accessories.
  6. To assist in operation and maintenance of hand tools and log book.
Technician Grade-II - Electrical
  1. To assist in operation and maintenance of electrical equipment .
  2. To assist in preparation of layouts and diagrams.
  3. To assist in connecting and rectification of industrial and street light fittings .
  4. To assist in operation and maintenance of electrical installations.
  5. To assist in operation and maintenance of fire fighting equipment, first aid kits and log book.
Technician Grade-II - Civil
  1. To assist in supervision of civil works, preparation of works, accounts and monthly returns .
  2. To help maintaining registers.
  3. To assist in maintenance and operation of fire fighting equipment and kits.


Special Purpose Employee

Mechanical Assist the technicians in carrying out operations pertaining to maintenance and operation of sewerage lines, vehicles, other mechanical equipment, fitting, smithy, welding etc, at work shop, section, sub-division, division level.
Electrical Assisting the technicians to carryout operation and maintenance of electrical equipment , connections, wiring, log book, first aid, etc., at work shop/section/subdivision/division.
Civil Assist the technicians to carryout operation and maintenance of sewerage treatment , carpentry, masonry, painting, survey instruments, assistance to surveyors etc.


Director (Engineering)-Operations & Maintenance

  1. To assist the Board in designing and developing appropriate organizational structures and formulation of policies pertaining to operations and maintenance of water supply and sewerage.
  2. To initiate perspective planning for augmentation of water supply, strengthening of sewerage system and improvement of sewerage treatment.
  3. To provide professional leadership in formulation of projects pertaining to augmentation storage, treatment and distribution of water supply, collection, treatment and disposal of sewerage.
  4. To Provide technical guidance to the lower level formations on level as well as quality of service, tools, plants, equipment, project implementation and maintenance.
  5. To develop data-based management culture pertaining to monitoring, review and coordination of control systems in Operations and maintenance.
  6. To Provide leadership and guidance to the heads of various service circles in achieving the organizational goals.
  7. To Prepare contingency plans for lean monsoon/draught years.
  8. To coordinate with external organizations, such as APSEB, MCH, R&B, pollution control board, collector, APCIIC, industries Department etc., for ensuring interface operation
  9. To schedule and organize periodic inception by the state level dam safety panel and ensure appropriate documentation of the panel reports.
  10. To ensure timely preparation and approval of the annual budget plans.
  11. To evaluate the performance of contractors above Class-I.
  12. To develop procedure as well as ensure implementation of material vendor rating.
  13. To cause preparation of model documents for works as well as good.
  14. To cause preparation of type design.
  15. To ensure updating of the existing plans on utilities, proper storage as well as timely retrieval.
  16. To ensure timely processing of letters of Credit.
  17. To prescribe methods and ensure implementation of inventory control.
  18. To prescribe norms for evaluation and registration of Contractors.
  19. To prescribe methods and ensure implementation for evaluation of Tenders.
  20. To coordinate with director(Personnel and Projects) in preparation of manpower plans and training plans.
  21. To undertake periodic inception of sources prescribe operation schedules for meeting floods/emergencies and ensure implementation.
  22. To cause preparation of agenda for Board meetings.
